Sunday, March 3, 2024

Here are the latest examples of the astonishing dishonest ‘NYTimes’ coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza

 from Mondoweiss

The New York Times continues to set new records of dishonesty in its coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza.

First, instead of starting to correct its questionable reports on sexual violence during the October 7 Hamas attack, the paper is conducting an internal witch hunt, one that targets its Middle Eastern and Muslim employees, to track down the sources of leaks about the scandal. Second, the Times continues to blame the Gazan victims for the February 29 Flour Massacre, in which Israeli soldiers opened fire on a crowd of hungry Palestinians, killing more than 100 people and wounding another 700.

The Intercept continues its valuable reporting on the Times’s botched coverage of the sexual violence. It used internal sources at the paper, and also translated a podcast in Hebrew from Anat Schwartz, one of the “reporters” on the widely-circulated stories, in a long report that raised even more doubts about the truth. We already knew that two of the three bylines on the Times’s reports belonged to Israelis with no experience in journalism, one of whom had already revealed vicious anti-Palestinian bias on social media.

Instead of taking action to fix the problem, the paper launched an internal witch hunt to find the leakers. The Times’s union president fought back, charging that the investigation targeted particular employees with Middle Eastern or North African backgrounds “for their national origin, ethnicity and race.” Union president Susan DeCarava said: “We demand that The Times cease what has become a destructive and racially targeted witch hunt.”

The Times has a simple solution at its disposal. It needs to assign real reporters to do the sexual violence stories all over again. At this point, it appears the paper sees no reason to do so. Speaking of the heavily criticized report, Times International Editor Phil Pan told The Intercept, “We remain confident in the accuracy of our reporting and stand by the team’s investigation.”...

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