Sunday, March 3, 2024

White people barred from London theater (by a sleazy RACE GRIFTER who knows his shit play is doomed without a gimmick)

from RT

White people have been told not to attend two upcoming performances of a play about racism and sexuality in London’s West End. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s office has condemned the move as “wrong and divisive.”

Written by Jeremy O Harris, who is black, ‘Slave Play’ opens in London’s Noel Coward Theater in June and runs until September. Two performances of the play – on July 17 and September 17 – are billed as “Black Out” nights, tickets for which will only be sold to “all-black-identifying audiences.”

 “The idea of a Black Out night is to say this is a night that we are specifically inviting black people to fill up the space, to feel safe with a lot of other black people in a place where they often do not feel safe,” Harris told the BBC on Tuesday.

Despite explicitly asking only black people to attend the performances, Harris then claimed that “nobody is saying that by inviting black audiences here [white people] are uninvited.”

In an apparent climbdown the following day, Harris wrote on X that black people “can bring their white friends or lovers if they want.”...

read more here


  1. Black out night, eh? R they expecting a night raid by the Luftwaffe, 1940 style, this time by their nato buddies?

    Retaliation for that Googoo "schwartze Nasti" stunt pulled by that AI society sabotaging wrecking crew.

    They're just cleverly avoiding ol' blighty's stringent pc crime laws against everyone/every group/every habit except the one shade of grey that's white.

  2. Satan Klaus-Schlub has another important public service announcement for you---yes, Y-O-U!
    Almost worthy enough to win a first prize T-shirt , like this:,width=300,height=300,version=1473664654/uncle-sam-get-your-ass-to-mars-men-s-premium-t-shirt.jpg
    The Global Shapers Community was founded by Schwab and the World Economic Forum (“WEF”) in 2012. It brings together people under the age of 30 who have been identified by WEF as potential leaders.
