Friday, September 6, 2024

More Bullshit from Obama™ (archive)

(archived from willyloman on February 2, 2009)

by Scott Creighton

When Obama picked Tom Daschle to be the HHS Secretary, I nearly shit my pants. In Washington there are whores and there are whores, and then there is Tom Daschle. Tom Daschle would suck off a corpse for a cheeseburger. Matt Taibbi

It would appear that Barack O’Bush is just going to continue in the same fashion as the previous administration; making glorious statements and rules that all of his supporters cheer as “Change”, and then just go right on doing the exact same thing anyway, knowing full well that the majority of his supporters won’t believe it and that the story (if covered at all) will die out soon enough anyway.

Mr. Obama has said that no one in his administration who has lobbied on a set of issues within the past two years can deal with the same subject matter. The president has already approved a few exceptions. CBS News

Aside from being a wealthy tax-cheat who would have gone to jail for his actions, had he been anyone BUT a connected politician, apparently Tom Daschle, Obama’s pick for Health and Human Services secretary, was a well paid member of a lobbying firm that worked for the very industries that he would be dealing with everyday.


the financial disclosure form Daschle filed about a week ago shows that he made more than $200,000 in the past two years speaking to members of the industry that President Barack Obama wants him to reform.

The speaking fees were just a portion of the more than $5.2 million the former South Dakota senator earned over the past two years as he advised health insurers and hospitals

Among the health care interest groups paying Daschle for speeches were America’s Health Insurance Plans, $40,000 for two speeches; CSL Behring, $30,000; the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, $16,000; and the Principal Life Insurance Co., $15,000. 

Daschle also earned more than $2 million in consulting fees from InterMedia Advisors LLC of New York, an investment firm specializing in buyouts and industry consolidation. CBS News

But, rest assured, Tom (the tax cheat and thief) promises if he is confirmed for the secretary position, he will then resign from these consulting positions with the companies that he will ultimately be “regulating and reforming” under the Obama administration (no mention of whether or not he owns stock in any of these companies).  Meaning that even now… Tom Daschle is still working for these companies.

Does anyone really think that this person is going to come up with a health care proposal that in any way cuts into the profits of the major health care companies? Matt Taibbi

After all this, Obama™ refuses to back down on this nomination. Proving once again that for all his slick rhetoric, our new president is just yet another in a long line of empty suits.

President Barack Obama says he “absolutely” stands by Tom Daschle’s nomination for secretary of health and human services. MSNBC

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