Saturday, September 7, 2024

Tenet Media Psyop: God I Hate Defending Pool and Rubin but I am Not Short Sighted as Some Out There

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Keep in mind they are currently prosecuting Uhuru 4 for basically saying same stuff about Ukraine war.


OMG I have to defend Tim Pool and Dave Rubin. I feel sick. I need a puke bag. I need a shower. And a priest. Goddamn I hate my job sometimes!!!

All the 'good people' say 'oh this is bad! boo' cus all you conspiracy theorists are just Putin stooges!

'In early 2022, a young couple from Canada, Lauren Chen and Liam Donovan, registered a new company in Tennessee that went on to create a social media outlet called Tenet Media.

By November 2023, they had assembled a lineup of major conservative social media stars, including Benny Johnson, Tim Pool and Dave Rubin, to post original content on Tenet’s platform. The site then began posting hundreds of videos — trafficking in pointed political commentary as well as conspiracy theories about election fraud, Covid-19, immigrants and Russia’s war with Ukraine — that were then promoted across the spectrum of social media, from YouTube to TikTok, X, Facebook, Instagram and Rumble...

'In 2016 and 2020, Russia employed armies of internet trolls, fake accounts and bot farms to try to reach American audiences, with debatable success.' NYT

But all the 'good people' say this is JUST FINE!! Yippie!!

'A secret social media influence campaign that attempted to lobby US lawmakers to support Israel’s war on Gaza was organized and funded by the Israeli government, The New York Times reports.

According to the Times, Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs earmarked around $2 million for the campaign...' The Verge

'Israel has apparently been pressing social media influencers and content creators to engage in a disinformation campaign for the occupying regime’s interests amid the deadly bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip.' PressTV

This is just wild. Clearly fascist attack on people sharing taboo information that counters our official stance on various propaganda. Electronic voting machines, Covid-19, open borders benefiting Big Business and of course the never ending war in Ukraine we funded and started. All these issues too hot to allow influencers to keep talking about especially as the election looms nearer with the Biden administration fully on board with keeping it going no matter what the cost in human lives and American taxpayer treasure.


But does anyone at Justice Department accuse or arrest any influencers in America who are being paid directly by Israel to push their propaganda in an effort to keep the literal genocide going?

Nope. Not a peep from Justice on that one.


According to Justice Department records, Pool and Rubin and the rest of the... God I can't believe I am writing this... the 'talent'... (puke).. didn't know where that massive money was coming from. Supposedly a 100k per week for just one video. 

The money was washed thru Turkish, Canadian and other nations before reaching Beanie Boy Male Pattern Baldness Pool and the others but still social media is using this moment to attack them as if they were cashing direct paychecks from two Russia business guys... like all those influencers cashing direct checks from the Israelis.

If you are doing that... gleefully using this moment to attack Tim Pool like Kyle Kulenski, you are the problem.

Pool and the rest are whores. Assholes. Liars. Turncoats. Spineless Mammon worshipers. They make me sick. The are controlled opposition at best.

But Russian agents?!? Give me a break, morons.

Don't be stupid. They picked a couple assholes that the left and fake alt-left would be happy to target just so they could get away with it. But here is the TRUTH of what is happening.

“We can readily imagine a series of possible responses. (1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories.”

 ”We suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers (1)by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby (2) introducing  beneficial cognitive diversity.”

… government agents “might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action.”  Cass Sunstein, President Obama’s regulatory czar

Look at that first suggestion from Cass Sunstein... government might BAN conspiracy theories. Even going so far as to make them illegal.

And Secular Talk and all the rest are cheering this shit on.

This is Nazi fascism. Some 6 degrees of separation between a limited hangout asset in American and some Russian business guy (no real link to Russian government by the way) does NOT justify what is happening to those assholes.

But Kyle and his stupid wife and all the rest can't see that. Can't see beyond their own self interests which is what got Baldy Pool in this trouble in the first place.

God I hate defending Tim Pool and Dave Rubin. They suck. They are disinfo assets. They are money grubbing Mammon worshipers.

But Goddamn it...

'First they came for the money grubbing Mammon worshipers and I said nothing...'

That's not going to be me boys and girls. I learn from history. I study it. I know it.

I know where this story is headed.

Stop applauding this action. It's fascism pure and simple. Does matter where the money came from. It's not 'treason' as influencers on social media are saying. Calling out our involvement in Ukraine and Gaza and Iraq and Syria and Libya and Yemen and Afghanistan is NOT FUCKING TREASON...


You defend the speech you hate the most or you DON'T SUPPORT FREE SPEECH.

It's that simple people.

Wake the fuck up or just hand over your country to these fascist.


Thou mayest.

Look it up.

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