Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Truth: About COVID-19 Shots

(A very informative video which is well worth your time can be viewed at Aletho News. It is a Rumble video and I don't know how to embed it here. Please check it out)

from Aletho News

This video delves into the alleged concealment of critical information regarding the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 mRNA injections, focusing on how regulatory bodies and authorities misled the Australian public. It claims that significant contamination of genetic material was found in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, far exceeding safety thresholds, with potential links to severe health risks like cancer and autoimmune diseases. Despite independent verification from multiple labs, global regulators, including Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), dismissed concerns, claiming there was no safety risk without conducting proper tests.

The video argues that the mRNA injections are in fact gene therapies rather than traditional vaccines, citing how these injections modify genetic material within cells to stimulate an immune response. It criticizes the lack of rigorous testing on the long-term effects of this genetic modification, accusing manufacturers and health authorities of withholding important information about the risks, such as the bio-distribution of modified RNA throughout the body and its potential to disrupt cellular functions.

Legal challenges against Pfizer and Moderna are outlined, notably the case of Dr. Julian Fidge, who accused the companies of bypassing Australia’s regulatory requirements for gene therapies. The lawsuit was dismissed due to a lack of legal standing, but the video highlights potential conflicts of interest, including Judge Helen Rofe’s undisclosed connections to Pfizer. This raises questions about the integrity of the judicial process, especially regarding the dismissal of critical evidence related to genetic contamination.

The video also condemns the narrative pushed by health authorities that the vaccines were “safe and effective,” arguing that data showed minimal absolute risk reduction and high infection rates among vaccinated individuals. It accuses authorities of fearmongering, particularly regarding children, and asserts that pregnant and breastfeeding women were given false assurances about the safety of the vaccines, despite being excluded from clinical trials....

see the video here


  1. NEWS: Top Oncologist Raises Alarm: "Every New Cancer Patient Is Under 45" - COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancer Tsunami is coming for the young

  2. Unfortunately, the truth will take at least years, maybe decades on the evil and toxicity of these clotshots and the "technology" behind it.
    Here's a repost cut-paste from an e-mail just 2 days ago, not a word of this revealed by anyone anywhere else, the guy is easily 2 years ahead of any/all the "health experts", "whistleblowers" out there!

    ABSOLUTELY UNPREDICTED, UNEXPECTED! But very major in the functioning of the whole body.
    So what other "side effects" will we be seeing revealed down the road???

    What Dr. Bryan Ardis shared with me recently was completely mind-shifting.
    It’s shocking, and honestly, a little scary…
    But it’s TRUE.
    Since the C0VlD-19 “plannedemic,” strange things have been happening to people’s bodies…
    Things that are now being studied and backed up by real-life cases.
    This isn’t just speculation…

    It’s happening…and it’s happening to MORE people than we realize.
    But what really shook me was a recent conversation I had with my good friend, Dr. Ardis…

    He revealed something new… something shocking… something I had NO clue about…
    Until he explained it to me.

    “I want to tell the world something, I'm going to present something on Saturday that we've only hinted at a few times I've seen in social media or emails by medical doctors from around the world.

    I am going to show you the evidence of what creates this scenario. So it's being reported around the world now that there's this syndrome that is being classified now as happening to young people, and it's more and more being diagnosed. And it is called Empty Sella Turica Syndrome.”

    Sella turcica is an anatomical term for where the pituitary gland is going to sit… It actually is Latin for ‘horse saddle’...

    And it's what the pituitary gland sits in, in the bone in your skull.

    What’s actually SHOCKING about this is that many young people are losing this gland since the rollout of the jabs!

    The pituitary gland regulates vital bodily functions…Like your growth…Metabolism…And reproductive health.

    So losing this gland can lead to SEVERE hormonal imbalances…
    Chronic fatigue…growth disorders…and other debilitating conditions…
    All of which have been on the rise since 2020!

