Monday, September 9, 2024

Trump unveils plan to stop de-dollarization

(wow. This is dumb. Trump proves even before the election that he serves the interests of the masters of the universe with this one. What does the average Joe care about how Iran and Russia pay for their trade? They don't. But they will care about a damaging trade war which will escalate to the point where all these countries getting off the dollar don't accept our goods anymore as well which will put American workers out of business. It will jack up prices of foreign goods like cars and electronics and medicine and even food. Jack up prices for Americans... not Iranians. And of course, with India, China, Russia and all the other countries looking to get off the U.S. dollar for international trade making up a MASSIVE percentage of the world population... this threat by Donald Trump is just amazingly stupid. Almost suicidal. So of course he wont do it. But he is trying to convince the powers that be that he is on their side and looking out for THEIR interests as opposed to those of his voters and supporters. But of course, people don't think things thru anymore do they.)

from RT

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has claimed that dumping the US dollar will be extremely costly for foreign countries which pursue the policy, adding that they will face unprecedented import taxes for pursuing non-dollar trade.

Speaking to his supporters during a campaign rally in Wisconsin on Saturday, the former US president pledged to maintain the status of the greenback as the world’s reserve currency, emphasizing that it is “under major siege” as a growing number of states have been turning to other ways of settling trades.

“You leave the dollar and you’re not doing business with the US, because we are going to put a 100% tariff on your goods” Trump said...

read more here


  1. Just to reiterate this map is interactive---just hold pointer over any mapped port gives details.

    So, ASSuming President B.O.B. gets back in, is he such a pompous reckless buffoon megalomaniac that he will wave his magic wand/scepter/sword and put tariffs/embargoes on every one of the countries here, not just the ones on those major countries now in place for many years now??

  2. Amazing timely stuff nearly daily now , here showing how china has pivoted to Africa (for something called FOOD mainly), this out talks about the just finished NINTH annual China-Africa Summit, held in Beijing.

    September 4, 2024 10:56 AM CST Updated a day ago; BEIJING, Sept 4 (Reuters) - China's President Xi Jinping will open the ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit on Thursday, where he is expected to urge African leaders gathered in Beijing to absorb more Chinese goods in exchange for pledges of loans and investment. The three-yearly forum officially kicks off today with a welcome dinner for the 50 African nations...;

    Not known or noticed Why Africa Chose China (You Won't Believe What China Did Now)
    15 minutes
    Cyrus Janssen
    121K views 1 day ago

  3. not to be left out, Sean today 9th has put up vid showing various stats, including the eu banks still operating in russia making out like bandits!
    or moneychangers.
    record earnings.
    also very striking russian ng gas exports to eu countries has now vaulted back on top, ahead of usa ng which of course will be the 5x more LNG tanker gas shipped over from LA/TX area.

    mentions Mr. T. 's latest threat to anyone de-dollarizing at the end.

    As Russia Freezes Major EU Bank Assets, U.S. Threatens Countries Trying To De-Dollarize
    Sean Foo
    14 minutes
