Monday, November 20, 2023

Operation Protective Edge: Israel Set to Repeat the Horror of Operation Cast Lead (archive)

(archived from July 7, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

In the wake of the June 12th disappearance and alleged murder of three Israeli youths, Naftali Frenkel (16, from Nof Ayalon), Gilad Shaer (16, from Talmon), and Eyal Yifrah (19, from Elad), the latest Israeli “crisis” has, so far, claimed the lives of at least 7 Palestinians but that number promises to increase rapidly.

The Israelis have named their new genocidal slaughter-fest Operation Protective Edge.


One has to admit, it has an more marketable ring to it than the 2008 Operation Cast Lead, which killed over 1,400 Palestinians (6 Israeli soldiers killed, 3 Israeli civilians compared to 491 Palestinian soldiers and 926 civilians).

And “Protective Edge” is even slightly better marketing than Israel’s Operation Pillar of Cloud (or Pillar of Defense) which they conducted on Gaza, again under the cover of an Obama election this time in Nov. of 2012, which claimed the lives of 6 Israelis (4 civilians) and 160 Palestinians (107 of which were civilians)


Israel shells WP rounds into UN school during Operation Cast Lead

For those keeping score that’s 7 Israeli civilians compared to 1,033 Palestinian civilians killed.

Interestingly enough, Cast Lead started out as a so-called “retaliation” as well. The Israelis claimed Hamas broke a cease-fire agreement when some homemade rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel. But of course, it turned out, those rockets, were actually in retaliation for the Israeli murder of 4 Palestinians on election day over here in the states when most of the lefties were out celebrating the coming of CHANGE. And, as it turned out, those rockets weren’t fired by Hamas just like the ones being fired now aren’t launched by Hamas. So I wonder who it is in Gaza who’s so determined to give the IDF all the justification they need to bomb Hamas out of power?


It ludicrous to suggest that the answer to three murdered young men is to indiscriminately bomb 1.4 million people locked in the largest open air prison in the world. It doesn’t matter if there is evidence to suggest Hamas had something to do with it or not.

In June of 1967, Israel gave the order to attack the U.S.S. Liberty, repeatedly, for hours, and as a result, 34 U.S. sailors were killed and another 170 or so wounded. Israel said it was an “accident” but what they really wanted was for us to attack Egypt for them. It almost worked.

Did we bomb Israel in retaliation for what their (and our) leaders conspired to do? No. We did not even though that was clearly and act of war and clearly done by the Israelis with malice of forethought.

Hamas denies having anything to do with either the kids who went missing or the rockets being launched at this time. I think it’s fair to say I have more than my normal doubts about the pretext of this incident. And with good reason.

It is no secret that the prime minister of Israel wants Gaza back. He wants to re-occupy it like they do in the West Bank. The steady stream of assaults on Gaza since Obama took office implies a certain “look the other way” policy on his behalf toward Israeli brutality. The rest of the world doesn’t see it that way.

Israel wants the LNG reserves off the coast of Gaza. The Palestinian LNG reserves.

The media here in the U.S. is steadily feeding us a diet of half-truths and full-on pro-Israeli “defense” propaganda though I have noticed they are at least pretending this time around to hold Israeli official’s feet to the fire… a little… enough to try to say they did at least this time around (after disgustingly turning a blind eye during Cast Lead, Pillar of Cloud and the Gaza Flotilla which, I think, lead to a serious decline in the controlled media’s credibility over the past 5 years (not to mention that whole “Iraq WMDs” thing))

What follows after the break is a Hodge-podge of info that I am collecting while trying to make sense of all of this. We will certainly have fewer alternative sites helping out this time around and I will add too it as more info becomes available.

The three young men who were reportedly killed were all settlers living in one form or another on occupied land in the West Bank… Palestine.

The vast majority of the civilized world sees occupation as illegal, specifically Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine, or so it is written in the Geneva convention.

article 49 ““The occupying power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own population into the territories it occupies.”

That’s not to say that the abduction and murder of three kids, if in fact it was done by Palestinians (if it was done at all) is justified because they are part of an illegal occupational force (yes, civilians can be considered part of the occupational force). If it is determined by a legitimate outside agency with nothing political to gain from the results of the investigation that some Palestinian authority such as Hamas had anything to do with these crimes, then they must be held accountable. Anyone found to have had something to do with the cause of this latest “crisis” must be held accountable, Palestinian or Israeli. That only seems fair.

Hamas has steadily denied they had anything to do with the murder of those three young men.

“Khaled Meshal, head of the Hamas political bureau, told Sky News in Arabic on Wednesday that his organization is not behind the kidnapping and murder of the three Israeli teens in the West Bank.” Haaretz

In fact, the few homemade rockets fired out of Gaza in the past two days in apparent retaliation for IDF strikes which killed at least 7 Palestinians, were not fired by Hamas, according to them. “They don’t seek war” Hamas spokesman have stated. Even Israel has to concur.

“The rate of incoming projectiles was lower than in previous days and Israeli security officials said that smaller militant groups, not Hamas, were responsible.Irish Times

Same trick happened back in 2008/2009 leading up to Operation Cast Lead.

though it might look like a joke, it isn’t

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