Monday, November 20, 2023

Right on Cue, Obama™ Follows Binyamin Netanyahu’s Lead on Iran (archive)

(archived from February 21, 2009)

by Scott Creighton

So right on cue (taken straight from Israel’s war-mongering leadership), the Rahm Administration of Hate has ratcheted up the drum beating rhetoric towards Iran and just like with the Bush administration, they still have no facts to support their case.

Benjamin Netanyahu spoke yesterday, his FIRST day as the new Israeli Prime Minister, about the threat posed to the nation of Israel by Iran’s alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons. This is a ridiculous claim in that Iran, as a signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, has every right to enrich uranium for peaceful, energy producing, reasons.  They have every right to pursue nuclear power as a source of energy.


But still Netanyahu yesterday waxed warrior-like on the need to attack Iran…

Iran is seeking to obtain a nuclear weapon and constitutes the gravest threat to our existence since the war of independence,” Mr Netanyahu said. Times Online

Even if it was true, which it isn’t, how does any rational person wrap their head around the notion that all Iran wants to do is develop one single nuke so they can use it to attack a country that has 150+ nukes, illegally, and the 4th largest military in the world? Does that make sense to anyone at all?

It makes about as much sense as the story that Gaza was the aggressor in their latest little spat with Israel. I guess you can say anything you want when you got the politicians of America cowed and the MSM in your pocket.

Not to be outdone, Press Secretary Gibbs launched into the same BS yesterday afternoon. For anyone who doesn’t think that the very same Bush administration Israel-First Neo-cons are still writing the copy for Team Obama, I got a bridge in New York I would like to show you.

The White House says the international community must work together to urgently address Iran’s uranium enrichment activities.

Press secretary Robert Gibbs said Friday that point is underscored by a United Nations report that said Tehran had amassed enough uranium to make an atom bomb.

He said the report by the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency represented “another lost opportunity” for Iran as it continues to “renege” on its international obligations.

Gibbs called Iran an “urgent problem that has to be addressed” without delay. AP

All this posturing and the sudden advent of the war-monger Netanyahu into the equation, makes me stop and think about the global world tour being conducted by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Yes, the financial crisis is a serious concern that needs to be addressed. But so far, all they are doing domestically is throwing money at the bastards that did it in the first place; making sure they can afford to buy up everything when the bottom drops out.  So what are they doing running around nation to nation? Are they ironing out new trade deals, or are they making sure they have another “coalition of the willing” when the Iran shit-storm takes off?

I guess only time will tell.

But what we do know so far, is that we have seen this before, and if we allow it to continue without challenge.  Knowing full well that we can’t afford yet another war of choice (this time against the democratic nation of Iran) and knowing full well that our military is taxed beyond their ability to maintain control over Iraq and Afghanistan as it is (and so we know there will indeed be a draft in order to come up with the soldiers needed for this),  if we don’t do something, en mass to stop this blatant continuation of the global empire, then just like Hilter’s Willing Executioners, we deserve what we get.

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