Monday, November 20, 2023

You Ain’t Gonna Stop What’s Comin. That’s Vanity (archive)

(archived from December 14, 2010)

by Scott Creighton

Glenn Greenwald quits CREW over Wikileaks…. and exposes what I assumed had been the motivation behind his and many other left-wing dissenter’s motivation for blindly buying into the Wikileaks propaganda…

 “I believe defense of WikiLeaks has become one of the greatest and most important political causes that exists” .

Personally I believe that ending the Global Free Market Wars and the neoliberalization of the U.S. and Europe is without any doubt, the most important political cause that exists, seconded only by the need for the establishment of a free Palestinian state (the end of the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem) and an end to the illegal inhumane blockade of Gaza.

Personally I think these are more important political causes….




… certainly they're more important than this is Jack-Ass….

… but that’s just me.

Part of that fight is exposing the globalists and Zionist propaganda whenever I can.  And that includes obvious frauds like Jullian “I wear my sunglasses inside” Assange.

If Glenn Greenwald is more worried about the coming round-up of “leftist” journalists, as is historically the case when democracies shut down and turn into neoliberal authoritarian regimes, then so be it.

Personally, I think we would have been just fine without Wikileaks trying to tell us lies like:

  • North Korea has been shipping nukes to Iran
  • Pakistan is killing soldiers in Afghanistan
  • Iran was shipping arms to Iraq insurgents
  • all the Muslim countries in the Middle East want us to invade Iran
  • only 115,000 people were killed in the Iraq war (mainly by other Iraqis)

That’s just me though. If this is the stand Glenn wants to take, so be it.

December 12, 2010

To the Board of Directors of CREW:

I am hereby resigning from the Board of Directors, effective immediately. I fully expected when joining the Board that CREW would periodically take positions with which I disagreed, and that was perfectly acceptable to me.

But the recent condemnation of WikiLeaks by Anne Weismann, purporting to speak on behalf of CREW, is both baffling and unacceptable to me. It is baffling because I cannot fathom how a group purportedly devoted to greater transparency in government could condemn an entity that has brought more transparency to governments and corporations around the world than any single other organization by far. And it is unacceptable to me because I believe defense of WikiLeaks has become one of the greatest and most important political causes that exists — certainly one to which I intend to devote myself — and I do not want to be affiliated with any group which works to undermine it.

I remain supportive of much of the work done by CREW and wish the organization nothing but the best.

Very truly yours,

Glenn Greenwald

In conclusion, grow up Glenn Greenwald. If you didn’t know the risks of speaking out as the authoritarians gradually took control, you should have.

No sense crying about it now.

This is the neoliberalization process that we have seen imposed on dozens of countries all across the globe. They’ve spent decades bringing it to America and now they are using their Wikileaks asset to supply the pretext for silencing dissent.  Hell, Negroponte’s death squads threw dissidents and writers out of helicopters in Honduras… or was it Argentina? Both?

Face it Glenn, you’re already on the list just like thousands of us and all of Michael Moore’s money can’t keep the CIA’s asset from being used to shut down dissent in this country no matter how many CREW groups you quit in the process.

Way I see it, you got two choices, keep writing and telling the truth as long as you can for the good of the generations to follow, or quit all the troubling connections you have and run and hide. How you want it?  On your feet or on your knees?

For you, Jullian Assange is the greatest political cause that exists?  No Glenn.  Arresting dissident journalists is the “greatest political cause that exists”, to you Glenn. To you.  And it’s pretty clear why you feel that way.

To me, the most important cause still getting out the truth, for as long as I can.  Because that’s the greatest political cause that exists… the truth.

It was so from the start and it will be so at the end.

But that’s just me.

This country’s hard on people. You ain’t gonna stop what’s coming. That’s vanity”

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