Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Jason the Ditz at AntiWar Pushes DoD 'ISIS-K' Propaganda for a Living

 by Scott Creighton

Jason Ditz over at fake antiwar outlet 'AntiWar' (was better under Justin Raimondo but not perfect) is pushing State Department, NED and DoD propaganda about a bombing that just took place in Afghanistan.

He claims in an article that 'ISIS-K' bombed a facility outside of Kabul and have been carrying out various attacks in the nation because... get this... the radically pro-Islamic organization doesn't like how the radically pro-Islamic Taliban run the country.

Stop laughing. Please. I can't concentrate.

'On Monday, a suicide bombing was carried out on the southern outskirts of the Afghan capital city of Kabul. The attack killed at least six people and wounded 13 others, according to Afghan police.

The strike was in the Qala Bakhtiar neighborhood. ISIS-K, the local ISIS affiliate which US officials repeatedly claimed was totally destroyed during the Afghan War, has taken credit for the attack, and put the total number of deaths much higher at “more than 45” killed.

ISIS said that the strike was meant to “avenge Muslims held in Taliban prisons.” Though violence in Afghanistan is generally down since the end of the US-led occupation, ISIS-K remains an active force in the country, carrying out attacks of opportunity as they are able.' Jason The Ditz AntiWar

Let's see.


ISIS-K attacked the dreaded Rookies in Moscow.

ISIS-K attacked the Iranians recently.

ISIS attacked the Syrian government.

ISIS made fake beheading videos so Obama could bomb Iraq again before the Iraqis took it back

And now 'ISIS-K' is attacking the Taliban in an effort to destabilize the country so we can get those poppies growing again.

And what does Biden do?

'Facing a growing global terrorist threat, Biden administration officials are debating expanding cooperation with the Taliban regime in Kabul to help track ISIS-K, the branch of the terrorist group active in Afghanistan, according to two sources familiar with the matter and a former U.S. official.

The administration and other Western governments are scrambling to keep up with the mounting danger ISIS-K poses. Before this year, U.S. and other Western officials believed ISIS-K had the intent but not the ability to orchestrate attacks abroad. But that view changed with the horrific attack at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall concert venue on March 22, which killed 130 people and injured hundreds more. It was the deadliest terrorist attack in Europe since 2004. ISIS-K also launched a major attack in Iran this year that killed dozens, and other plots were disrupted in Europe.

But the U.S. military’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and declining Western influence in Africa have weakened Washington’s capacity to gather intelligence on the various offshoots of ISIS.' NBC News

People like Jason have to be a special kind of stupid to not see what is actually behind this attack from our proxy army.

I mean... the tag line from the article tells you what it is right off the bat.

'America’s ability to track ISIS-K has diminished since the U.S. military pulled out of Afghanistan in 2021. But ISIS-K and the Taliban are foes, something the U.S. can exploit.'
That's kinda like the mob back in the day telling business owners they need to pay for 'fire insurance'

Yes. They can exploit these attacks in an effort to destabilize the Taliban control over Afghanistan and ultimately get their grubby hands back on the nation thru the use of unconventional and irregular warfare or 'terrorism' for short.

Does Jason the Ditz from Raimondo's once proud AntiWar understand that?


Cus he's a ditz?


Cus he's a sellout.

Take it from me, I know. Dick Cheney's Dark Side pays better.


  1. THIS is all due to that lone official at some level in uk who resigned after noting the arms deals and the arms therein to their chosen one buddies were absolutely being used for genocide against the palis.

    UK bans some arms sales to Israel over risk of breaking international law
    Global News
    8.4K views 16 hours ago

  2. Very new updated info on what's going on at wackopederast.
    read comments below vid only now that it's so f'ing blatant are they waking up to what a tainted pos disinfo hangout it is.

    100 minutes.
    The DARK Truth About Wikipedia and The New York Times | The Winston Marshall Show #026
    Winston Marshall
