Wednesday, September 4, 2024

UFV Strike Sept 7

by Scott Creighton H/T AuntBB

In spite of the fact that the Zionist animals are now using their full leverage to bear down on the students who protested their genocide last year, students are gearing up once again, bravely and unselfishly, to take a stand for Palestine and the rest of humanity.

Because where are the rabid Zionists going to go next with their covetous campaign once they are done with wiping Palestine off the map? Syria? Jordan? Lebanon? Egypt? Detroit?

For the Zionists the sky is the limit once they convince the world that they can never be questioned in their global campaign of land acquisition. 

The students in B.C. are kicking off another season of resistance and good for them. Their revolution wont be televised. They wont be lionized for taking a stand against wealthy oppressors. They will be smeared and attacked ruthlessly. 

Isn't it great how our kids are threatened and attacked by greedy Zionists from across the globe as they strive to threaten and attack Palestinian children with impunity?

There are moments in history where the true nature of a people is exposed for all too see. This is true of the Zionists and their collaborators and appologists. This is true of the courageous Palestinian people. 

And this is true of our brave young students who are taking a stand not just for Palestine... but for us all.

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