Saturday, September 14, 2024

RT reveals ‘secret’ behind its operations to CNN

(Here we go. Another intelligence agency report like the one that tried to frame Trump for working with the Rooskies they release on Jan 6 2017. You remember that one? The one supposedly backed by 'all 13 intelligence agencies' but instead was written by 15 hand selected people from just 3 agencies? The one that included a disclaimer on each page? Yeah, more of that stupid shit.)

from RT

RT has been operating out of “KGB headquarters all this time,” the network joked on Friday, in response to a CNN report claiming that the US government is preparing to accuse it of espionage and “influence operations.”

According to the American broadcaster, the US State Department is set to release “declassified US intelligence findings” suggesting that the Russian government has “quietly embedded an intelligence-gathering unit within RT that is focused on influence operations globally,” with this unit’s activities going “beyond propaganda and covert influence operations to even include military procurement.”

Approached for comment by CNN, RT’s press office quipped: “We’ve been broadcasting straight out of the KGB headquarters all this time.”

“No, but seriously, we’re running out of popcorn to sit and watch what the US government will come up with next about us,” the response continued, before linking to a video containing “more details about how RT operates.”...

read more here

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