Saturday, September 14, 2024

US sanctions RT

(Sec. Blinken made an announcement yesterday, bragging about prosecuting the Uhuru 4 while promoting the idea that the US upholds the ideals of free speech and a free press. Then he tried to explain how RT is an arm of the dreaded Putin 'regime' in Russia so they are going to sanction them and people who work for them. All this while going after people like Scott Ritter for daring to have a different opinion on our 'good work' in Ukraine. They are terrified of the damage dissenting voices can and will do to their future plans.)

from RT

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has accused RT and its parent company of acting as an extension of Russian intelligence and attempting to undermine democracy around the world.

Speaking at a State Department press conference on Friday, Blinken announced sanctions designations against RT parent companies Rossiya Segodnya and TV-Novosti, accusing “individuals affiliated” and “elements within” them of allegedly attempting to interfere in the Moldovan elections.

The State Department has also sanctioned Dmitry Kiselev, Rossiya Segodnya’s director-general.

TV-Novosti was also accused of “being responsible for or complicit in, or having directly or indirectly engaged or attempted to engage in, interference” in US or other foreign elections “for or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly,” the Russian government.

RT is “engaged in covert influence activities… functioning as a de facto arm of [Russian] intelligence,” Blinken told reporters...

read more here

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