Friday, September 13, 2024

US universities, trying to stifle students, change rules on protesting

from al Mayadeen English

Universities across the United States are implementing stricter regulations on campus protests and free speech following widespread demonstrations during the spring semester over the ongoing support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza, The New York Times reported.

The new rules in question vary between institutions but generally limit the timing, location, and nature of protests, with some specifically banning the highly effective encampments and restricting areas for demonstrations.

For example, students at Case Western Reserve University are now required to obtain administrative approval before holding protests. Similarly, Rutgers University mandates a permit for student protests.

The Indiana University, meanwhile, has imposed a ban on "expressive activity" between 11 pm and 6 am.

Universities claim these measures are aimed at preventing disruptions and clarifying existing policies, though many critics have made it clear that they are intended to stifle the voices of student activists, The New York Times said...

read more here


  1. campus version of those 911 frei speech zones.
    which reminds me: howz that cop city coming along just outside atlanta?

  2. Question to ponder:
    BIG enuf changes these past few months for them to bother to update their wackopedia pages all over?

  3. FRI 13TH
    66 minutes
    talks about the very recent developments & threats about the escalation by RANGE, that of uke using clearly supplied western nation/nato big missile long-range weapons targeting inside russia, (up to now only drones used daily for well over 1 year now for that) which since moscow is only 600-700 km from certain close european nation, Dear Leader will now finally after endless empty threats now have to shit or get off the pot.

    Else he will find himself "promoted to a higher office", or "elevated to a higher calling"!

    Pepe Escobar: Endless Wars - A Glimpse of the Future
    Dialogue Works
