Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Feds Bring Charges Against Epstein's Sleepy Guards Tova Noel and Michael Thomas

Now why would they do that? Let's find out.

Indictment PDF https://heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/2019/11/u.s._v._tova_noel_and_michael_thomas_19_cr._830_indictment_signed.pdf

Heavy.com article https://heavy.com/news/2019/11/tova-noel-michael-thomas/

Miami Herold article https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/article237531714.html

Business Insider poo-pooing "conspiracy theories" https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-conspiracy-theories-death-clinton-trump-2019-8

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  1. I think you're right that Epstein is presently alive and well. I think you are very good, even the best, when it comes to unveiling the fraudulence of the cover stories regarding (I think Jewish, though you obviously disagree) issuing from behind the scenes operatives of such politically charged events.

  2. fyi Scott:

    Julian Assange the oh so persecuted.. is having the rape charges dropped- these are the charges that caused him to hole up in the Ecuadorian Embassy

    Poor Julian (facetious)


    "A Swedish prosecutor dropped an investigation into an allegation of rape against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, ending the near decade-old case that had sent the anti-secrecy campaigner into hiding in London's Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition"

    Although the prosecutor's decision can be appealed, it probably closes the case launched in 2010. The complainant's lawyer said she was studying whether to appeal it.

    Assange, an Australian citizen, skipped bail in Britain to avoid possible extradition and took refuge in the embassy in 2012.

    While Assange was in the embassy, the statute of limitations ran out on investigating all but one of several Swedish sex crime complaints originally filed by two women.
