Monday, July 24, 2023

From Apartheid to Ethnic Cleansing; Israel Launches f-16 Strikes In Gaza (archive)

(archived from December 27, 2008)

by Scott Creighton

or…  How To Shock And Awe Starving People into Fleeing their Homes

for Fun and Profit!

***UPDATE  3 ***

End the Occupation has sent out this information begging us to call our representatives. I hope you will avail yourself of this option.



  1. Contact the White House to protest the attack and demand an immediate cease-fire. Call 202-456-1111 or send an email to
  2. Contact the State Department at 202-647-6575 or send an email by clicking here.
  3. Contact your Representative and Senators in Congress at 202-224-3121 or find contact info for your Members of Congress by clicking here.
  4. Contact your local media by phoning into a talk show or writing a letter to the editor. To find contact info for your local media, click here.
  5. Organize a local protest or vigil and tell us about it by clicking here.
  6. Sign our open letter to President-Elect Obama calling for a new U.S. policy toward Israel/Palestine and find out other steps you can take to influence the incoming Administration by clicking here.

***UPDATE 2 ***

European Union president France said it condemned the Israeli bombardments and the rocket attacks from Gaza and called for both to stop immediately. Reuters

Obama’s reaction?   “No comment” AntiWar


Despite the fact that Israel’s own military reported that few of the Quassam rockets hit anything but dirt, Condi Rice has blamed the Palestinians for all of this, up to 200 dead in Gaza and 200 tons of high explosive munitions dropped by Israel on population centers through out the territory. I wonder if they are dropping cluster bomb munitions for the little Palestinian kids to pick later…

The United States strongly condemns the repeated rocket and mortar attacks against Israel and holds Hamas responsible for breaking the cease-fire and for the renewal of violence in Gaza,” Rice said in a statement. MSNBC

Pictured on the left is one of the “rockets” Condi Rice is referring to. As you can see the damage they cause doesn’t even blow themselves up, more often than not.

That’s why Israel’s right-wing war-mongers are able to pick them up later and proudly display them in their offices as proof of the atrocities they suffer. Now is it just me, or is it a little sick when people feel the need to enshrine “proof” of their suffering in order to justify inflicting mass human suffering on others? Maybe some of you clinical psychologists would like to elaborate on that syndrome for me.  I mean, to me it would be kinda like a rape victim keeping her torn, bloody panties in a display case on the mantel, and forcing everyone who pays her a visit to gaze upon the semen stained shrine.  But then, maybe I am missing the point.


Oh, yeah, the point is, they just want to make sure they have a justification for killing innocent Palestinians… got it. Thanks. I kinda forgot there for a minute.

Let’s see if we can spot the Israeli warheads in the next few pictures…

Let’s see if we can spot the Israeli warheads in the next few pictures…

Nope, can’t see one there. I guess Israel’s actually blow up and kill people…


Proportionality should be a guideline in war” R. McNamera

nations… I am sure we can expect another USS Liberty type event near Iran…

***UPDATE 1 *** 

This article removed from Reddit in record time: 35 seconds


And so it begins…

Just one day after Ehud Barak opened the months-long blockade and allowed 90 trucks of humanitarian aid into Gaza (in what can only be looked at now as an obvious PR move), Israel launched their attack into Gaza and reports are up to over 155 dead so far.

Israel claims it is responding to a day or two of rocket attacks coming from inside Gaza. The source of these reports have been largely from AP articles siting the “Israeli military” as the source.   Those articles note there had been no Israeli casualties and only two building hit causing minor damage.

But with 200 mortars and rockets raining down on Israel since the truce expired a week ago, and 3,000 since the beginning of the year, according to the military’s count, pressure had been mounting in Israel for the military to crush the gunmen. Chicago Tribune

The reason there are rarely Israeli casualties from these attacks is that these “rockets” being fired from Gaza (and we have to take the Israeli military’s word they were fired at all) is because they are crude, homemade, unguided projectiles that don’t even have enough explosives on them to blow the “rocket” up, much less a house or a car. But that doesn’t stop Israel from carefully collecting their remains and proudly parading any visiting politician through the yard they are kept, as proof that Israel is the victim in all this. Oddly enough, the only ones killed by these attacks were two civilians in Gaza, when (according to the Israeli military) a rocket went off course and killed two Palestinian women. However, that would be kinda odd, since these things don’t seem to have the power to blow themselves up, much less kill two people at the same time. Might be something like that “Magic Bullet” that hit Kennedy 3 times and that congressman a couple times after that, huh? But Israel swears it wasn’t one of their rockets that killed the Palestinians… and we should just take their word for it, right?

The picture above is from Carter’s recent visit to Israel, when they paraded him through Israel’s “proof yard” and then prohibited him from visiting Gaza.

(Notice the ends of these homemade “rockets” are barely even damaged.)

But for some reason, with Israel massing troops outside Gaza, preparing for their attack, scores of these things “rained down” on Southern Israel, at least, so says the Israeli military.

But Israel’s rockets do blow up and the only thing left to take away to keep score with, are Palestinian bodies.


I don’t know what else I can say at this point. The Israeli army is preparing for a full scale invasion, and Egypt has opened their border so that the inevitable flood of displaced refugees can pour into their country. The ethnic “cleansing” of Gaza has reached it’s military phase.

Doubtless, that this is only going to get the superficial MSM coverage we would expect these days. They will cover the first few salvos, then it will drift off the front page, allowing Israel to do what they are going to do without scrutiny.

These photos are from the BBC site, and they also have a good video of what is going on. I will be focusing on this today as much as I can.

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