Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Haartz Publishes Cartoon Showing Netanyahu Flying Plane Labeled “ISRAEL” Into Twin Towers (archive)

(archived from October 31, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

Did Israel just post a warning to the United States about another possible 9/11 if relations aren’t immediately repaired between Tel Aviv and Washington?

I've been covering the recent downward spiral of the Israeli PR effort for the last couple of weeks but I have yet to see anything that comes even close to this in terms of asking “what the f*ck were they thinking?”

Sweden has just formally recognized Palestine as a state and the British lower house of parliament, the House of Commons, voted in a landslide to do the exact same thing. Combine that with the fact that Israel’s own president said publicly that Israel was a “sick society“, ranting Zionist racists at a protest and the tension between the White House and the “chickenshit” Likudniks over the illegal settlement program and what you end up with is a PR nightmare for Israel’s Hasbara program of international pro-Zionist “one state solution” propaganda.

So in the midst of all of this, what happens?         @haaretzcom


Haaretz Daily Cartoon - 30/10/14 

12:51 AM - 30 Oct 2014

As you can see, that’s Haartz’ own Twitter account. Haartz is the Israeli newspaper that published the cartoon in the wake of the recent breakdown between Israel and the Obama administration on the subject of the illegal settlements in the West Bank.

And yes, that’s Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the controls of an aircraft headed directly for one of the Twin Towers with a big smile on his face!

Are you kidding me? If an official paper in Iran had published something like this with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the controls of the plane smiling his way into the side of the North Tower, we would already be 30 hours into the next Shock and Awe.

Some say it’s “just a building” but if you look at the shape of it and the vertical lines on the sides, it’s OBVIOUSLY one of the Twin Towers. The New York Times makes it clear that the building is intended to be the Twin Towers. So does the artist who drew it.

The message is that Bibi is arrogantly and wantonly destroying Israel’s ties with the U.S. and leading us to a disaster on the scale of 9/11,” Biderman explained in a tweet in Hebrew, according to Haaretz. Huffington Post

The cartoonist who created the image, Amos Biderman, explained on Twitter and in an interview with The Times of Israel that he meant to suggest that Mr. Netanyahu’s “arrogance” and policies on settlement construction in the West Bank had provoked “a disaster in Israel-U.S. relations on the scale of 9/11.”  New York Times

If this is just a publicity stunt pulled by Haartz to up their circulation and page views, it’s beyond poor taste.

According to the artist, he’s supposedly saying that Bib’s policies are risking a disaster for Israel on the level of 9/11 but that makes no sense at all.

Bibi is flying the damn plane. The flag on the side of the Twin Tower he is HAPPILY attacking is that of the United States. I would ask the artist, Haartz and anyone writing about this “how the f*ck does that translate to Israel suffering a disaster?

There are only two real possibilities for the message being sent by publishing this image:

    1. M.J. Rosenberg seems to understand this possibility – Israel needs another 9/11 attack in order to repair their horrendous public image.

One of Mr. Netanyahu’s American critics, M.J. Rosenberg, reminded his readers that when asked on Sept. 11, 2001, “what the attack meant for relations between the United States and Israel,” Mr. Netanyahu initially replied: “It’s very good.” Moments later, he retracted that statement, saying, “Well, not very good, but it will generate immediate sympathy.” New York Times

    2. It’s an open threat and the image itself was published because many Israelis already know the Mossad was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Kinda like a running inside joke among some Likudnik Zionist settlers.

Honestly, I don’t know what this is. It’s bizarre to say the least. The timing couldn’t be worse for the Israeli PR machine and there it is, published by Israeli’s leading liberal papers.

The artist claims “I never imagined that by using an image that evoked 9/11 I would cause such a storm.” and “I wasn’t sufficiently aware of the great sensitivity that 9/11 holds for Americans,”

Now that is obviously a lie so we can’t believe anything this assh*le says about the “why” of this cartoon.

Needless too say, they are already using this image to demonize serious 9/11 researchers by lumping us all into the “the JOooOooOoooOoos did it!” crowd. Nice. I notice none of the papers or journalists who mention those guys bring up the Dancing Israelis or number of dual citizens who made up the Project for a New American Century.

Is it a joke about Bibi’s wishful thinking on a way out of this current mess with Washington? Is it a threat? Something else? You decide.

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