Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Georgia Indictment Against Trump is a RICO Violation in Itself

Willis convened a 'special' Grand Jury (not the same one BTW) in Feb of 2021 in order to try to prevent Donald Trump from running for office next year. Now she has finally filed her bullshit indictment against the presidential front-runner from a county where it seems very likely the theft of the Georgia electoral college votes took place. That is some straight up mafioso shit right there.


NYT https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/08/15/us/trump-indictment-georgia-election?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20230815&instance_id=100078&nl=the-morning&regi_id=191974235&segment_id=142055&te=1&user_id=29bf2e08a8a74c465c95fdecb8fe7f66

Politico https://www.politico.com/interactives/2023/trump-criminal-investigations-cases-tracker-list/

NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/04/us/politics/trump-indictment-jack-smith-charges.html

Georgia election results https://www.politico.com/2020-election/results/georgia/

NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2001/01/07/us/over-some-objections-congress-certifies-electoral-vote.html

Politico https://www.politico.com/story/2016/12/electoral-college-rogues-trump-clinton-232195

Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/meet-the-hamilton-electors-hoping-for-an-electoral-college-revolt/508433/

indictment (PDF) https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/08/15/us/trump-indictment-georgia-election?campaign_id=9&emc=edit_nn_20230815&instance_id=100078&nl=the-morning&regi_id=191974235&segment_id=142055&te=1&user_id=29bf2e08a8a74c465c95fdecb8fe7f66#read-the-indictment

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  1. Notice how because you're looking at effect, not CAUSE, all you've done is point out how BOTH "sides" are filthy corrupt, grubby owned pigs and thus irrelevant to event being brought about.

    At least the EU "leiters" have dispensed with the ILLusion of having someone in high office actually elected! Fancy that.
    Politics is after all just a variant of sportertainment for the masses, same as WWE, WWNFL, and the like.

    To such an extent that the true literal pig in a poke who goes by the name of Borrelia (a nasty spirochete) at the lead there had his hometown denizens so disgusted with him they renamed a major street back to the original recently, from it earlier being renamed after him.

    LOOK SEVERAL layers deeper. You're not even close. Tons of possibilities.

    pig in a poke
    Something whose true value is concealed or unknown, especially something offered for sale.

  2. unfortunately 82 min. long.
    just to know it's up.
    Comments are very positive at least.
    RFK on The *ucker *arlson Show.
    AUG 14 2023

  3. https://thefederalist.com/2023/08/15/merrick-garland-reminds-us-regularly-why-hes-never-deserved-to-sit-on-the-supreme-court/

  4. Gotta git that clotshot count back up!
    Time is munny, ya know.
    So, if running out of bipeds to cow into being cowpunched, start on the quadrupeds.

    FRS 'no can fail wunderbar crime tool' going hawg wild too.

    Genetically modified (GMO)mosquitoes, with investments from the Gates Foundation, were released into Texas and Florida. About 2 billion more of the GMO insects to be released. Meanwhile, at least five individuals acquired malaria in these two states.
    After reports of a feline infectious peritonitis outbreak, leftover human COVID-19 drugs will be given to cats. So far, 300,000 cats have died on the island of Cyprus, which is 20-30% of the total population.
    A pregnant woman sued the city of Detroit and a police detective after facial recognition software connected her to an incident of robbery and carjacking. “Her four children must be petrified,” Polly stated.


  5. Absolutely looks planned intentional.
    SloJo offering low interest loans to rebuild, while just announcing for example a few days ago another XX billion to uke.
    old capital.
    center of resistance natives to big money complete overrun of islands, which started late 1800's interests of the sugar barons backed up by us military USS Boston.

    i am eloho
    Locals Tell What REALLY Happened Maui Fire

    Richard Vobes AUG15
    7 minutes

    very shortened excerpt from keynotes on what went on there.
    Congress annexed hawaii unilaterally 1898.52 in middle of the span-amer war. statehood aug21/1959.
    A provisional government was assembled and a coup d’×™tat took place aided in large part by the presence in Hawaii of a detachment of uniformed US marines who came aboard from their cruiser, the USS Boston which was in Honolulu Harbor at the time.

  6. Pathologists and embalmers vid here.
    Says finding weird skeery white wispy gunk clogging dialysis machines.
    ALL started w/w seen early 2021, not before EVER.
    Vejon Health
    Have you ever seen Clots like this? DO NOT WATCH if squeamish!

  7. Sez office vacancy rate CRE claimed 40%, but if u include the ones already left just letting their lease expire, so still counted as "occupied" then it's 70% empty already.
    ZERO tourists just like SF, too terrorfied to visit.

    Oakland's Residents Say They Can't Stand Living Here Anymore

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