Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Chat with AuntBB: Kiev "Commie" Cake, Both Anti-Russian Propaganda & Auschwitz/Gaza Truth at Oscars


I had a lot of fun talking with Barb (Aunt BB) yesterday. Been way too long since we made a video. I hope you enjoy it.

AuntBB https://www.youtube.com/@auntbb720

'NOTE: It's pronounced Kee-YEV, not KEEV, & was that way long before the West's fascist proxies took over after infiltrating & destroying the USSR. Mariupol is an ethnic-Russian/Russian-speaking part of Donetsk & thus technically in the Donbass. But the UkroNazi army didn't target it, like the cities of Donetsk & Lugansk, after the West's 2014 Maidan "color revolution" coup in Kiev. The USSR's Karl Marx Confectionary Factory created the popular Kiev Cake in 1956 when Ukraine was a Soviet Republic. But the Roshen company, named after owner Petro "Porky" PoROSHENko (the West's puppet installed after Maidan), manufactures it now. Scott's stepping back a bit from posting his work online, but please continue to follow & support him.' The Beebs


  1. Only a veryveryvery few sites/places out there calling it like it is.
    Playing their fave 'woe is me' victim card all the way.

    BTW, aren't the oskars and the grammys rating about as high nowadays as the Dizyny Channel?

    Jewish Director SMEARED Over Gaza - Jonathan Glazer's Stand For Peace
    Owen Jones
    MAR12 midday
    owen jones

    Zionist Jews in Biden administration calling the shots on Israeli war on Gaza
    Sunday, 10 March 2024 9:27 AM

  2. Here's the story on that intentional facade puppet theater "dock" they're building (absolutely perfect for a future FF, BTW!) AFTER their buddies including Nutty Buddy destroyed the perfectly good working port already there in the first days of Storm back about 10th october.

    The United States will deploy 1,000 troops off the coast of Gaza for the nominal purpose of building a floating pier for humanitarian aid, the Pentagon said Friday.

  3. Another toxic turd who if he ever does "resurface", should be presented with this T-shirt as a memento:


    (message news is in the 1st minute here)
    The return of Boris Johnson? James O'Brien looks at a potential Parliamentary 'resurrection' | LBC
    740K subs
