Thursday, March 14, 2024

USA “Freedom” Act – Using Terrorism to Pass an “Anti-terrorism” Bill (archive)

(archived from May 31, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

Not like it’s the first time, is it?

Today is the day for the Grand Finale of the “Edward Snowden” psyop or the “Manufactured Hero” story as I also like to call it.

At midnight, the U.S.A. Patriot Act sunsets, or at least certain provisions of it do, and therefore the crisis theater threat color code has been turned all the way up to red. And it’s flashing (in spite of the fact that no terrorist threat was ever thwarted by the provisions of the Patriot Act)

Obama is demanding congress pass the “Freedom” Act. He says “God forbid” we don’t pass it and something happens after the Patriot Act goes dark.


  1. In 1996 a contentious bill finally made it through congress and was signed into law by another fake Democrat, Bill Clinton. That was called Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, and all that took for it’s passage was the Oklahoma City Bombing. They never found that second suspect nor any of the security videos that would have shown the truck driving along the street on route to ground zero. Never explained the unexploded bombs they found and removed from the building either.

  2. On Aug. 7th of 1964, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed through congress. It allowed LBJ to essentially declare war on Vietnam without really declaring war on Vietnam which most of the people in the U.S. wanted no part of. It was made possible by the Gulf of Tonkin incident of Aug. 2, 1964… which never really happened.

  3. Back in late 2001, the Patriot Act was defeated in congress after heated debate. It wasn’t really a bill as much as it was a cobbling together of various re-writes to other bills in an effort to strip U.S. citizens of their constitutional protections across the board. When it looked like this fascist piece of oligarchical wet-dreams would be defeated once and for all, the bill was put on hold, anthrax was sent to congress members’ offices who opposed the bill and to the offices of various journalists who wrote bad things about it. “Evil Muslims” were blamed. Turns out the anthrax came from Department of Defense stockpiles and the whole thing in the end was just swept under the rug like so much anthrax powder lying on the floor.

  4. In 2008 when the much-hated TARP Bailout plan was rejected by congress, the computer-aided trading system of Wall Street staged a flash-crash and Hank Paulson ran into congress promising them martial law on the streets of America if the big bankers who decimated our economy didn’t get their 785 billion dollars as their payoff for doing it. TARP moved forward the next day.

  5. And of course there was PNAC’s “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” white paper that called for a “new Pearl Harbor type event” released in Sept. of 2000 and a little new Pearl Harbor type event which took place on Sept. 11, 2001.

Anyone starting to see a pattern? Let me make it clearer for you:

 As president and commander in chief, my greatest responsibility is the safety of the American people,” Obama said.

And in our fight against terrorists, we need to use every effective tool at our disposal – both to defend our security and to protect the freedoms and civil liberties enshrined in our Constitution.”

Obama also argued that extremists could exploit even the smallest gaps in the nation’s intelligence capabilities.

Terrorists like al Qaeda and ISIL aren’t suddenly going to stop plotting against us at midnight tomorrow,” Obama said. “And we shouldn’t surrender the tools that help keep us safe.”

It would be irresponsible,” Obama added. “It would be reckless. And we shouldn’t allow it to happen.” Yesterday’s weekly address from Obama, The Hill

We know that we created and run al Qaeda. We know that we created and run “ISIS™”. So what is Obama actually saying here? What is the doublespeak? What is the message behind the message for those aware enough to hear it?


commonly defined as violent acts (or the threat of violent acts) intended to create fear (terror), perpetrated for an economic,[1] religious, political, or ideological goal, and which deliberately target or disregard the safety of non-combatants (e.g., neutral military personnel or civilians).

Actually, that’s not quite accurate. The definition used to be the use of violence or threat of violence against non-state non-combatants perpetrated for the purposes of FORCING A CHANGE in the economic, political or social structure of a targeted population.

We have all the players in place. “ISIS™” is supposedly here in the states or at least over in Mexico just across the border (if you believe folks like Lyin Joe Biggs, Rita Katz and Di$info Jone$ that is) so the threat is “real”

And it is real if history teaches us anything.

Rand Paul is supposedly going to make sure the Patriot Act provisions aren’t renewed today even for a couple of weeks. And he says he will stop the green-lighting of the “Freedom” Act but that certainly remains to be seen.

The “Freedom” Act as I have written many times before, is worse than doing nothing. It is not a fix, it is an extension of the worst parts of the Patriot Act and it privatizes the collection of all your data.

  • It makes permanent the worst of the Patriot Act provisions like the “lone wolf” and the “roving” clauses

  • It immunizes Big Telecom from any kind of legal action that may result from them spying on you and selling your private data

  • It actually provides for the government to continue bulk collection of that data for 6 months to 2 years while Big Telecom builds the infrastructure they need to spy on you

  • And… actually expands the “tangible things” collection abilities in vast ways (more on that in a while on another thread)

And that’s just what we already know it does. Behind closed doors, more “compromises” have been added to the legislation over this past week. Who knows what’s in it now.

Today will be an interesting day, that’s for sure.

A two-year operation to ready the hive mind for the expansion of the Patriot Act and the privatization of the national security state is about to come to a close.

Ever wonder why “Snowden” first met Greenwald in Honk Kong and after supposedly landing in Russia, never set foot on U.S. soil these past two years?

That’s because technically, the CIA can’t run psyops in the U.S. by law. That’s why.

Whatever is going to happen today will be bad one way or the other.

Either they get what they want and Obama signs yet another fascist, constitution-crushing bill into law or the Patriot Act provisions set to sunset are allowed to do so and the “Freedom” Act goes no where.

Now you might thing someone like me would say that’s the best case scenario and ideally, you would be correct.

But there is the little matter of history coupled with the fact that so many big business interests have so much to gain from the passage of this bill that ObamaGod wants so badly to deliver for them with his magical “left cover” super-powers.

When you factor that into the equation, if the “Freedom” Act doesn’t pass today,  you might want to rethink any airline trips, marathons or concerts. Basically, anything that could attract a bunch of civilians to televised events.

Because if you fail to learn the lessons of history, you are certainly doomed to have them repeated upon you.

Look, I’m not saying something is definitely going to happen this week if congress sunsets “Patriot” and refuses “Freedom”

What I am saying is our history speaks for itself and when he addressed the nation and congress demanding the passage of this bill in this way… knowing full well that congress probably is more aware of that history than most.. then he’s already committed an act of terrorism. And there’s no other way of looking at it.


  1. Deep Intel on the American Pier Into Gaza
    Ward Carroll
    3.1K views 1 hour ago
    31 minutes

    1. This pier gives me Beruit 1983 vibes."
      Someone poster knows history! Parallels scary.

      mid-1982: reagan orders in 1700 marines into lebanon for the benefit of youknowwho.
      APR18/1983 Beirut us embassy huge bombing, supposedly 30+ 'contractors' (cia) killed operating out of there.;
      late 1983: dual identical huge truck bomb attack french and us barracks.
      early1984: reagan orders all marines/support out of lebanon

      OR, the reverse thinking of this---port being built for aid in is just a cover, it's really as a dedicated protected emergency evacuation OUT
