Sunday, March 10, 2024

Western Media Takes Notice of Starvation in Gaza as Millions Face Famine

 from Sputnik News

Yazan Kafarneh on his hospital bed in Rafah, southern Gaza, on Sunday. By Monday, he was dead. - Sputnik International, 1920, 10.03.2024

Yazan Kafarneh
“The use of starvation of the civilian population as a method of warfare is prohibited,” according to rule 53 of the International Committee of the Red Cross's Humanitarian Law Database.
After unprecedented criticism, The New York Times was forced to admit last week an article parroting Israeli atrocity propaganda of mass rape on October 7 lacked evidence.
Now, amidst claims of a racist witchhunt targeting Arab writers, the controversial newspaper has inched closer towards acknowledging Israel’s use of mass starvation against the residents of Gaza. One Palestinian family’s story appeared Saturday on the Times’ website.

 “It is all too easy to trace the skull beneath the Gazan boy’s face,” began the article, written with the assistance of Bilal Shbair, a Gaza resident the newspaper has worked with over the last few days after months of criticism of its coverage. “In one of a series of news photographs of the boy, Yazan Kafarneh, taken with his family’s permission as he struggled for his life, his long-lashed eyes stare out, unfocused.”

“By Monday, Yazan was dead.”
“The pictures of Yazan circulating on social media have quickly made him the face of starvation in Gaza,” acknowledged the Times, recognizing a phenomenon that’s gradually forced major news outlets to respond to the inadequacy of their reporting...

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