Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Shin Bet chief on Jerusalem clashes: Violent protests could lead to ‘dangerous places’

from the Times of Israel

Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar on Wednesday issued a warning to protesters after an attempted breach of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence by a large group of people during an anti-government demonstration in Jerusalem the previous night.

“The violent discourse online and some of the scenes we saw tonight in Jerusalem go beyond acceptable protest, harm the ability to maintain public order, could lead to violent clashes with law enforcement, disrupt their ability to carry out their work and even cause harm to individuals under protection,” said Bar.

“There is a clear line between legitimate protest and violent and illegal protest. This is a worrying trend that could lead to dangerous places which we must not come to,” he added.

Tuesday night’s demonstration, which began at the Knesset and ended near Netanyahu’s residence in Jerusalem’s upscale Rehavia neighborhood, descended into what police described as an “unbridled riot” when demonstrators closed in on the premier’s home. Officers and demonstrators were treated for injuries sustained throughout the night, including one officer at whom a protester had lobbed a burning torch.

Tuesday was the third in a four-day protest featuring a hundreds-strong encampment around the Knesset building. Some relatives of hostages held in Gaza have joined and spearheaded the anti-government protest, claiming political incentive was causing Netanyahu to delay the return of their loved ones, and demanding immediate elections to unseat the premier.''...

read more here



  2. Thar she goes, Janus Yellin', great circle route on her magic broom to see pooh.

    Something bigger than usual this visit, becuz when no one was paying attention, about 10 days ago several bigwig muckymucks to whit blackstone larry fink and his buddies went there to discuss...??
    Followed up by a us commerce? dept official to agree on the agenda of talking points for this 'heavyweight'.

  3. Figure i saw days ago is it's co$ting I$rael $1/4 of a billion/day to run their war.
    Course, that's not net cost becuz they're getting endless supplies and endless promises of more funding by the week.

    “Unfortunately, the passivity and weak position caused by the fear of some Arab countries has prevented the Islamic world from adopting a united position against the Zionist regime and has caused this regime to become more brazen in committing crimes.”

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