Thursday, April 18, 2024

In the Wake of “Covid Panic” and the “Lockdowns”: The Death and Resurrection of Science

by Prof. Peter C. Gatzsche from The Brownstone Institute

After two years of draconian lockdowns, governments around the world suddenly dismantled their unprecedented campaigns against Covid-19 in silence. From one day to another, the whole thing was supposed to be forgotten. 

Looking back, it seems appropriate to abbreviate the Covid-19 pandemic as the Covid-19 panic, or to call it the pandemic of censorship and poor science.

Science and free speech were among the earliest victims of Covid-19. Millions of papers came out, most of them of very poor quality, and authorities quickly forgot that they are obliged to base their decisions on the most reliable science. Torturing your data till they confess became acceptable. And if randomised trials did not confess to what the authorities wanted, they ignored them and based their decisions on flawed observational studies instead. 

The lockdowns went counter to what we knew about respiratory viruses, that it is impossible to lock them out, and they caused a lot of collateral damage, including an increase in deaths from other causes than Covid-19. 

Sweden did not lock down and did not mandate face masks, and it seems to be the only country where the politicians had the best possible advisors and respected their advice. Sweden ended up having one of the lowest excess mortalities in the Western world. This should ring alarm bells everywhere, but what we have seen so far are pathetic defenses of grossly failed policies...

read more here


    22 minutes
    Discusses the most recent outrage/disgrace, the MP speech on ED's by Andrew Bridgen before a NEAR-EMPTY UK House, where the public gallery is walled off by a solid plexiglass wall, and when Andrew finished got a huge ovation from said gallery, POS owned speaker threatened to clear them out!

  2. 40,000 subz on substack!
    no video here; papers are all listed and linked.

    TURBO CANCER Literature is growing rapidly - 6 new COVID-19 Vaccine Turbo Cancer papers published in April 2024 - 26 total - the dam is breaking and it will take Pfizer & Moderna with it

    1. Very big deal out there CA i even recall this in news then.
      at 14:30mark, mentions a lowlife pos snake named weiner who tried right up to the last day to ram thru under the smokescreen & hysteria cover of covid to get a state bill passed that would have allowed anyone as young as 12 to get any vax for anything, anytime for no reason without any approval consent or knowledge of either parent.

      VIDEO - CHD - What these 2 nurses (Karine, Flora) saw during the COVID-19 pandemic (March 2024)

  3. South African physician Shankara Chetty is running the gauntlet there to preserve his license, under attack for preventing thousands of Covid deaths. Shannon Joy likes to hear herself talk, but it's a good interview anyway
