Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Naomi Klein: Jews Must Raise Voices for Palestine, Oppose "False Idol of Zionism"


' Hundreds of protesters were arrested in Brooklyn on Tuesday when Jewish New Yorkers and allies gathered for what they called a "Seder in the Streets to Stop Arming Israel" on the second night of Passover. The demonstration, held one block away from the home of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, came just hours before the Senate overwhelmingly approved a $95 billion foreign aid package that includes about $17 billion in arms and security funding to Israel. "Too many of our people are worshiping a false idol," said award-winning author and activist Naomi Klein, one of several speakers at Tuesday's rally. "They are enraptured by it. They are drunk on it. They are profaned by it. And that false idol is called Zionism." '

someone asked:

Where are all the Jews denouncing this? There may be one or two here and there, but according to you, the vast majority are good and decent people who are not like the tropes and stereotypes, and who oppose this. Where are they?
Oct 19 2023
Leftwing Jewish activists campaigned against Israel’s bombardment and blockade of Gaza this week in Washington, culminating in protests that have seen hundreds arrested for civil disobedience outside the White House and Congress.

But groups like the Anti-Defamation League have dismissed the actions as unrepresentative of fellow Jews, signalling a growing rift in the community as the war in the Middle East continues to claim thousands of lives.

Police detained about 400 demonstrators on Wednesday after they staged a sit-down protest on Capitol Hill inside the Cannon Building, the oldest congressional office building, demanding an immediate ceasefire in the latest hostilities between Israelis and Palestinians.

 The answer to your question is quite simple. They have always been there but as we are finding out with more frequency these days, the hasabara teams from Israel do their very best to ensure the MSM doesn't cover their participation in these demonstration so they can continue to present our efforts as anti-Semitic.


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