Monday, September 9, 2024

RusselJebus the Messiah Tries Rebranding into Bill Carnegie to Rule the Wasteland

by Scott Creighton


This guy never fails to amaze me.

Russel Brand has 'found Jesus' and is now trying to lead the flock as some kind of reborn fallen angel messiah. He did the Tucker show sitting Indian style with his bear feet crossed in front of him on a chair spouting his near maniacal scripted dogma to Tucker's fan base til the end where he got down on his knees and recited his scripted 'prayer' for the world. Surrounded by the way by flowers and all the other trappings of a cheesy televangelist. And of course, as the script dictated, Tucker Carlson asked him to end the show by leading them in a prayer. RusselJebus the Messiah acted surprised and immediately jumped to the floor and recited his scripted monologue.

Might I remind you (from Book of Eli):

[to his men] Put a crew together, we're going after him.

For a f***in' book?

IT'S NOT A F***IN' BOOK! IT'S A WEAPON! A weapon aimed right at the hearts and minds of the weak and the desperate. It will give us control of them. If we want to rule more than one small, f***in' town, we have to have it. People will come from all over, they'll do exactly what I tell 'em if the words are from the book. It's happened before and it'll happen again. All we need is that book.

In Book of Eli, Gary Oldman plays the role of Carnegie, a power-mad kingpin in a small town in the wasteland who dreams of having more. More power, more water, more control over more people. 

The way he seeks to obtain this greater level of control is to find a copy of the King James version of the Bible so he can become a preacher, a deliverer of the 'message' to the hordes of unhappy, unwashed people in the world. He figures they will flock to him if he and he alone has The Book.

There is of course historical context to this character.


That's right, his name comes straight from Dale Carnegie as does his plan.

At one point the character Carnegie says he 'grew up with that book and knows it's power' which is what Russel Brand says almost verbatim in one of the following videos. 

Russel is one of privileged class and is therefore aware of what is bound to happen in the all-too-near future in terms of our economies and societies. We are being torn down so they can remake us in the model of the Great Reset.

Russel understands there will be a great sense of unrest obviously among the throngs of masses left out in the cold who are not considered 'stake holders' by our new glorious business elites who rule over us.

This presents him with an opportunity, a unique one.

All Russel needs is 'The Book' and the appearance of adherence to it's teaching. From there he feels he will be in a position where he can emerge as a leader of the unwanted, the unwashed, the 'deplorables' if you will and he also knows many people will turn to religion in such times to find meaning and a place where they can make sense of all the coming changes that will beset us.

This is a craven and pathetic attempt by a self-declared guru-influencer to grasp at straws in hopes he can manipulate the confused masses for his own greedy self interest.

And of course the likes of Tucker Carlson help him on his way.

It will be interesting and extremely telling to see who else RusselJebus the Messiah enlists to help get his 'message' of eternal grift to the world.

As you are known by the company you keep and the schemes you enable.

You will be known to your followers as you offer them the various poisons flourishing in the chaos.

What follows are videos of his guru act, his Bill Carnegie routine. 


Notice his selection of material:

'18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20'

To all you desperate 'left behind' masses of the world, cast aside by the Great Reset, I was cast aside first, claims RusselJebus the Messiah, and as the world hates you, find love and acceptance and a place... with me.

Here's the real giveaway, the next passage:

'26 “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me. 27'

Ah yes. There it is. The money-shot, the pitch, the Prestige. 

RusselJebus the Messiah is the advocate sent from the Father. How nice.

This guy doesn't believe any of this. It's a gimmick to garner followers for his influencer grift. And that's a fact. 

But it will be telling to watch carefully and see who helps him sell this scam to their own followers. What do they get out of it? Don't know. But it's something.

IT'S NOT A F***IN' BOOK! IT'S A WEAPON! A weapon aimed right at the hearts and minds of the weak and the desperate. It will give us control of them.

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