(archived from February 7, 2015)
by Scott Creighton
When truth becomes the lie, the insidious conspiracy theory, while the lie becomes the unassailable gospel, the duty of the heretic becomes crystal clear.
With all the hoopla surrounding the affected outraged over the fabricated “burning man” video, it’s hard to temper the warmongering spirit of folks like Sen. John McCain who currently chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee. Little will dilute his mighty, righteous wrath which he wields like a faith healer does a bible. All he wants is to send your kids to fight, maim and kill on behalf of his friend’s business interests all across the world. Is that too much to ask?
We are chastised by trolls if we don’t respect the authenticity of the of the obviously fake Muath Al-Kaseasbeh video and collectively rally in a whirlwind of rabid nationalism to rid the world of the “barbaric” and “inhuman” scourge that is ‘ISIS’ a.k.a. “the Bad Muslims”
We “witnessed” the burning of a pilot who had just dropped bombs on civilians and combatants alike in Syria, but that is of no consequence. Man’s inhumanity to man was on full display as the stuntman danced around in a pretend cage that couldn’t have held a 6-year-old child in “timeout” for longer than a minute. The MTV inspired video targeted an MTV generation with an MTV simplicity and banality that makes sense only to those rendered institutionally incapable of discerning reality from fiction. Incapable of thinking for themselves.
Be repulsed. Be angry. Support the war effort as endless as it is.
Meanwhile, back in Washington, an old man, a liar and a cheat, Sen. John McCain was busy fixing a little narrative problem in order to continue his endless quest for more war and more devastation.
Influential US Senator John McCain admitted that Ukrainian security forces used cluster munitions that are prohibited in many countries. According to McCain, Ukraine had to use them, because the USA failed to deliver necessary weapons to the country. McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, insists that the Ukrainian authorities need to receive antitank missile systems Javelin. He also said that one should send military experts to Ukraine should the US decide to supply arms to Kiev. Pravda
What do you do when an evil regime turns it’s weapons of mass destruction against it’s own people in order to maintain their control?
You give them more weapons, according to the chairman of the Armed Services Committee.
“I think that if we had provided them with the weapons they need, they wouldn’t have felt they had to use cluster bombs. So, it’s partially our fault,” John McCain
It is an uncontroversial fact that the OSCE disclosed recently that this past Jan. 27th, not too long ago in fact, that the government in Kiev used no less than 7 rockets with cluster bomb munitions on residential districts in eastern Ukraine. This is an undeniable war-crime.
On 28 January the SMM visited Artemivskyi district located in the south-west part of Luhansk to assess damage from shelling reported to have occurred during the night of 27 January. The SMM visited 16 damaged houses and spoke with the owners of the properties and other residents. The interlocutors told the SMM that they were shelled twice, the first time was at about 18:10hrs and the second at about 22:45hrs. Interlocutors from the “regional direction of emergency situation” said that the area was hit by 7 Smerch Rockets with cluster bomb warheads. The SMM is following up on these reports. OSCE
The OSCE mission identified the weapons used as 9M55K Smerch cluster munition rockets. These rockets are “designed to engage manpower and soft-skinned materiel in concentration areas,” by scattering 72 individual 9N235 submunitions, designed to fragment when they explode, according to the manufacturer. The weapons hit 7.5 kilometers southwest of Luhansk’s city center and impacted a roughly two-square-kilometer area.” Human Rights Watch
The illegal government of Ukraine that was installed by a U.S. dictated coup back in Feb. of last year has a total of 99 Smerch rocket launchers outfitted with cluster munitions.
Cluster munitions are indiscriminate killers and when used to target residential areas, they kill women, children, household pets and the geriatric alike. That’s why their use is banned by 116 nations of the world. Their use in this circumstance is terrorism being used to weaken civilian resistance to the illegal regime in Kiev. There is no other way to look at it.
This video is from an airstrike in Luhansk from June of 2014. This is real face of what the Kiev government is doing with their weapons of mass destruction and it is difficult to watch. It is difficult because unlike the “burning man” video, this one is real.
The monsters that we have installed in Kiev are quite clearly that: monsters. They target civilians, they kill children, they burn people alive in government buildings or beat them to death on the street when seek to escape their flaming fate.
In a civilized world, a sane world, they would be imprisoned and sentenced to death for the atrocities they commit with impunity.
But we don’t live in a world like that. We live in an MTV world, where truth is a lie and where the lie is enshrined in an unimpeachable shroud of self-righteous indignation, self-sanctifying slogans and that ever present and all important practice of forgetting.
Let the pious whine and screech about the phony horrors of “ISIS” while we as a society train, arm and support monsters all across the globe while the evidence of that reality fades to black.
In the face of this dystopean world I find myself in, I am incapable of putting any better than a simple musician did so long ago.
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