by Scott Creighton
Cancer cells as they first develop as mutated genes can, by our own DNA (seemingly designed into the process of cell life), start to shorten their own telomeres which will kill the cells and stop the growth of the cancerous cells on their own.
'As a cell begins to become cancerous, it divides more often, and its telomeres become very short. If its telomeres get too short, the cell may die' Google AI
This process along with our immune system may be why our species wasn't killed off by cancer a long time ago.
Epigenetic reprogramming of cells, a means using mRNA coding, seeks to instruct the cells to stop the shortening of their telomeres with each replication, a process by which our DNA seems to be coded to bring about the aging and dying of not only cells, but of every life form on the planet.
'Telomeres and epigenetic reprogramming are both key components of the aging process, with telomeres acting as protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with each cell division, while epigenetic reprogramming refers to changes in gene expression patterns without altering the DNA sequence itself, which can be manipulated to potentially reverse aspects of aging by resetting the cellular "clock" to a younger state; essentially, telomere length is often used as a marker of biological age, while epigenetic modifications can influence how genes are expressed, impacting cellular function and aging pathways' Google AI
What if these coder hacks from Moderna and Pfizer who have been messing with the mRNA targeting the aging process of our cells accidentally forgot that the same telomeres that cause aging also just happen to stop cancer cell growth and development in our bodies?
What if, since learning about this side effect, those same coding hacks came to understand they could then accelerate those same telomere shortening processes and use them to treat cancer?
Would we see a massive surge of fast growth cancers and late stage cancer development in younger and younger people as the rollout of the mRNA Covid-19 'vaccines' continue?
Would we see millions and millions of dollars being pumped into new mRNA cancer 'vaccine' research projects popping up all over the place?
Fast growth cancer cases and cancers developing at alarming rates in younger and younger people have been linked to the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines. Is this a legitimate connection? The establishment media and corrupt government agencies would never tell you if it was.
'Turbo cancer is an anti-vaccination conspiracy theory[1] alleging that people vaccinated against COVID-19, especially with mRNA vaccines, are suffering from a high incidence of fast-developing cancers. Although the idea has been spread by a number of vaccine opponents, including several health professionals,[2] turbo cancer is not supported by cancer research, and there is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccination causes or worsens cancer.' Wikipedia
The way we grow old and die is quite fascinating. Yes, choices we make and random occurrences can alter the course of one's demise significantly, but there is a built in system, a governor if you will, telemes,which even in the best of circumstances will eventually guide all living beings to a gradual end.
It's almost as if it's designed that way.
'Human aging occurs at the cellular level due to the gradual accumulation of molecular damage over time, leading to a decline in the function of cells, tissues, and organs, resulting in decreased physical and mental capacity, increased susceptibility to disease, and eventually death; key mechanisms include telomere shortening, oxidative stress, and protein misfolding, where cells become less efficient at repairing damage as we age' Google AI
Our cells are constantly repairing and replacing themselves and that could literally go on forever were it not for something in each cell's DNA that tells it, after a certain number of cycles, 'that's it. No more' That's the telemeres at the end of each DNA chain getting shorter and shorter with each replication to the point where they are so short, the strand starts to break down and the cell's life is over.
Now I know my understanding of this process is rudimentary at best, but here me out because a number of folks during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic were talking about this new mRNA tech in terms of it being able to do just about anything including stopping aging... and even reversing it.
Elon Musk says mRNA can stop aging and reverse it 'if you want'
epigenetic reprogramming of aging: 'The pursuit for the fountain of youth has long been a fascination amongst scientists and humanity. Ageing is broadly characterized by a cellular decline with increased susceptibility to age-related diseases, being intimately associated with epigenetic modifications. Recently, reprogramming-induced rejuvenation strategies have begun to greatly alter longevity research not only to tackle age-related defects but also to possibly reverse the cellular ageing process. Hence, in this review, we highlight the major epigenetic changes during ageing and the state-of-art of the current emerging epigenetic reprogramming strategies leveraging on transcription factors. Notably, partial reprogramming enables the resetting of the ageing clock without erasing cellular identity.'
There are a number of studies working on finding the fountain of youth. Big money involved don't you know. However, one of the most promising as of late (since 2020 to be more precise) has been the work using mRNA technology to reprogramming the aging process in our cells on a molecular level, by TURNING OFF that governor which limits the life span of each and ever cell.
mRNA epigenetic reprogramming of aging: '"Epigenetic reprogramming of aging mRNA" refers to the process of manipulating the epigenetic marks on messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules within aged cells, aiming to reverse age-related changes in gene expression by modifying how the mRNA is read and translated into proteins, potentially leading to a more youthful cellular state; this is achieved by altering chemical modifications on the mRNA itself, not the DNA sequence, and can potentially be a strategy to combat aging at the molecular level'
The mRNA 'vaccines' did not stop people from catching or transmitting the virus. The establishment told you, once they had to stop lying about the efficacy of the stuff, that that was OKAY because it made is less likely that we would DIE from the Rona if we had the 'vaccine' was good enough.
mRNA Covid vaccine did not reduce transmission or infection rates: 'Social media users are circulating video clips of testimony by a Pfizer executive, who is said to “admit” that the company and its partner BioNTech did not test whether their mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine reduced virus transmission'
But that is not how vaccines are supposed to work. They are supposed to kill the viruses, not allow them to replicate and make you sick and let you infect others with the virus.
people still getting sick and dying after taking mRNA Covid-19 vaccines:
So what the hell were they? Why did different batches of the vaccines, the same round of boosters btw, have different side effects on the people who got them? Why was it so important for them to force these untested things on people all over the world in spite of clear warning signs from the beginning they were having serious adverse effects on a lot more people than any other vaccine in history?
And why did they keep attacking doctors and researchers who said there were series issues with these things that needed to be addressed?
Seems like someone had SOMETHING in mind. Something very specific.
'the next big projects of humankind will be to overcome death and old age,..humans are becoming gods in the literal sense of the word' Yuval Harari
We made Covid-19 via a DTRA contract facilitated by NIAID (headed by Fauci who now has absolute immunity from prosecution for ANYTHING he did) and EcoHealth Alliance in Tblisi, Georgia at the Lugar Center.
We then injected it into the arms of military members of various nation states like Georgia and Ukraine who were taking part in the Wuhan Games in Oct of 2019 so they would infect tens of thousands of others with the virus who would then take it back home with them to their various countries of origin.
It was perfect opportunity because it could then be blamed on China due to the proximity of the WIV if someone were to notice the furin cleavage site manipulation of the virus which proved it was manufactured and not naturally occurring. This was a signature gain of function technique used by our researchers, not the Chinese.
Then the military approached Pfizer and TOLD THEM they were going to produce an mRNA vaccine for Covid-19 based on what they already had from Moderna, a company created in part by the military a few years before with the purpose of starting work on mRNA vaccines.
Lockdowns, Warp Speed vaccine distribution via the military, attacks on dissenters or health care professionals worried about the untested jabs... it all worked in harmony when you think about it being an effort to conduct the largest genetic experiment in the history of mankind.
All while lying about the usefulness of the Covid-19 jabs.
But they had a purpose. It wasn't about money. So what was it?
In their monkeying around with God's design did they accidentally turn off a built-in defense system that kept cancers in check in our bodies?
Fast growth cancers started developing at alarming rates almost as if our natural defenses had been turned off.
Cancers that typically don't show up until much later in life started developing. These trends were noted and then 'debunked' immediately as if some larger agenda was at risk.
Why not tell the truth about the mRNA Covid-19 'vaccine' failures now? Is the entire establishment of media, research and the government all that concerned about Pfizer and Moderna's stock prices?
Or... are they still looking for something and depending on that next mandatory mRNA jab for round two of their great GodMan experiment?
When this researcher and writer came to understand the connection between aging, cancer, telemeres and epigenetic reprogramming of aging thru mRNA technology, a lot of answers to lingering questions seemed to fall into place.
It's no wonder these elites seem to think of themselves more and more as Gods and of us as nothing more than lab rats.
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