Thursday, February 13, 2025

President Obama Pitches CFR Plan: Looks to Bring the India Model of GM Genocide to Africa (archive)

(archived from May 20, 2012)

by Scott Creighton

(H/T Kenny’s sideshow)

The Clinton Foundation fighting global issues through business oriented solutions. The Clinton Foundation is the best world in the world.” propaganda video featuring Jack Black

We are never going to end hunger in Africa without private investment,” USAID

The structure of fascism is the union, marriage, merger or fusion of corporate economic power with governmental powerDavid Mills

President Obama has announced his big initiative to save the starving people of Africa by “unleashing the powers of the market” all across their continent. 

It’s called the New Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security. Obama has made this announcement at a G8 summit meeting at Camp David (created back in the 1930′s under the Works Progress Administration part of the New Deal) hosted by none other than the Chicago Council on Foreign Affairs. You may remember them. They changed their name back in 2008 when it was inconvenient for the wife of the next president to be affiliated with the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations.

But African civil society wants no part of this latest Monsanto aligned “public private partnership”. Whatever will the progressives do now that their flawless hero has teamed up with their most hated nemesis to exploit an entire continent like they did to India not that long ago?


With a commitment of 3 billion dollars President Obama plans to “partner up” with mega-multinationals like Monsanto, Diageo, Dupont, Cargill, Vodafone, Walmart, Pepsico, Prudential, Syngenta International, and Swiss Re because, as one USAID representative says “There are things that only companies can do, like building silos for storage and developing seeds and fertilizers.”

Bono says that there has to be a “public private partnership” in order to get this done and that they are going to be using the ideas of the African people and farmers. Really? This is what the African farmers say to that…

We request that :
- governments, FAO, the G8, the World Bank and the GAFSP reconsider their promotion of Public/Private Partnerships which, as they are now conceived, are not suitable instruments to support the family farms which are the very basis of African food security and sovereignty.” African Civil Society Organizations

I wonder if that could be any clearer. They don’t WANT the public private partnerships involved in this process. That is the wish of the African farmers and people completely ignored by the CFR created New Alliance for Food and Nutrition Security and their overpaid shill Bono.

Contrary to what the USAID spokesman said about not being able to build a simple silo, once upon a time we could built 651,087 miles of highways, roads, and streets; and constructed, repaired, or improved 124,031 bridges, 125,110 public buildings, 8,192 parks, and 853 airport landing fields employing more than 8,500,000 different persons on 1,410,000 individual projects. Hell, back in those days they could even build Camp David where the G8 leaders just met.

Decades ago a government project designed and built this… but now we can’t build a grain silo? Really? (actually no. In fact, government agencies are responsible for designing and developing most of the emerging technologies private companies profit from today such as Drones, the internet, various pharmaceuticals, personal computers, various cell phone technologies, ect. It’s called “socialized costs and privatized profits” and it has been the model in this country for a decades)

It’s not enough that huge mega-corporations are bleeding the nations of Africa dry by sucking the valuable mineral resources out of their hills. No. As Bono (overpaid globalist sycophant shill) says about the development in Africa;

They’re future consumers for the United States. The president is talking business. This is good. It’s a whole new development paradigm today. The old “donor / recipient relationship… it’s overBono

(Anyone else notice how high Bono is during that interview?)

It’s not a “new paradigm” Bono. Stop believing everything your CEO heroes tell you and pick up a history book. The exact same model was run in Indonesia by USAID when the fascist CIA installed Suharto as our puppet dictator. In fact, Barack Obama’s mother worked for USAID during that time and his step father was a liaison between big oil and the dictator himself.

They also did it in India and the results have been, let’s say, less than joyful.

“For official figures from the Indian Ministry of Agriculture do indeed confirm that in a huge humanitarian crisis, more than 1,000 farmers kill themselves here each month.

Simple, rural people, they are dying slow, agonizing deaths. Most swallow insecticide – a pricey substance they were promised they would not need when they were coerced into growing expensive GM crops.

It seems that many are massively in debt to local money-lenders, having over-borrowed to purchase GM seed….

“The authorities had a vested interest in promoting this new biotechnology. Desperate to escape the grinding poverty of the post-independence years, the Indian government had agreed to allow new bio-tech giants, such as the U.S. market-leader Monsanto, to sell their new seed creations.

In return for allowing western companies access to the second most populated country in the world, with more than one billion people, India was granted International Monetary Fund loans in the Eighties and Nineties, helping to launch an economic revolution.

But while cities such as Mumbai and Delhi have boomed, the farmers’ lives have slid back into the dark ages.” Daily Mail

Bono says there is money to be made sucking the nutrients out of the soil just like the big companies rip the minerals out of the hills and apparently he’s been talking to Monsanto (he and the head of Monsanto were at the G8 talks pitching this lovely idea) and Pepsico because he’s right. There is money to be made, a great deal of money just lying there waiting to be exploited and as long as they can use the “public private partnership” model to get the people of the world to put up the money for the mega-corporations to flood in their and take over, then there is even MORE MONEY to be made. Socialized costs, privatized profits. All in the name doing good and saving the people of Africa.

But don’t just donate money to help them create their own agriculture system. That would be evil. That would be communist. “Business oriented solutions” is the way to go these days because all the cool celebrities says so like these assholes…Sean Penn, Ben Stiller, Matt Damon, Kristen Wiig, Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Jack Black and Kevin Spacey

You can take Jack Black’s educated opinion on the subject, or Bono’s if you like.

Me personally, these are the kinds of things I listen to when looking into what the African people actually think of this plan…

Ten years ago Robert Mugabe seized all the massive corporate owned farms and the other lands they controlled but wouldn’t let people use so that there was no competition for their products. Since then, even the New York Times has to admit that agriculture and the economy in Zimbabwe has been on a steady incline. Now Mugabe is forcing the huge multinationals to pay up on their contracted obligations to pay back the people of Zimbabwe for the minerals they bring out of the soil. The U.S., the Council on Foreign Relations, Jack Black, Bono, and the multinationals don’t like that one bit.

Senior officials of Mr. Mugabe’s party, ZANU-PF, say that foreigners operating inside the country must not be allowed to profit at the expense of indigenous, or black, Zimbabweans.

“Am I going to assign another man to make my wife pregnant and get a child?” asked Savior Kasukuwere, the ZANU-PF minister overseeing the process known as indigenization. “Zimbabweans must be masters of their own destiny. Indigenization is a core feature of the values of our party: freedom, equality, peace.” New York Times

Now we can finally see the full scope of the plan set in motion back in November of last year. George Clooney and his propaganda campaign against the sovereign state of Sudan, the fraud that was Kony 2012 set to ramp up U.S. military involvement all across the continent of Africa, and Obama’s announcement of sending 100 “advisers” to Africa back in November. They are all part of a larger initiative to implement the India model of GM genocide and the Indonesia model of ‘micro-loan” debt servitude on all the nations of Africa. After all, as Bono pointed out, there is money to be made right there in the soil. It’s a profit resource that the multinationals have been missing for some time.

But African Civil Society doesn’t trust the CFR ran G8 summit to listen to their ideas.

We request that :
- governments, FAO, the G8, the World Bank and the GAFSP reconsider their promotion of Public/Private Partnerships which, as they are now conceived, are not suitable instruments to support the family farms which are the very basis of African food security and sovereignty.” African Civil Society Organizations

Oxfam even says that this “public private partnership” is wrongheaded and potentially dangerous and that it does not address the questions and the needs of the hungry people in Africa.

In the end, the Obama administration is looking to press forward with the CFR plan to do to Africa what they did to India not that long ago in spite of the wishes of the farmers and the civil society leaders. It remains to be seen if the “fauxgressives” will be able to look past the glitz of the drunken Bono and the hero worship of their anointed one Obama and finally take a real stand against this administration now that they are going to Monsantoize all of Africa.

The hate and fear of Monsanto has been one of the last causes the progressives were able to maintain a grasp on after Obama took over for Bush and continued every single policy they opposed during those years. Monsanto was something that was remotely associated with Obama but still far enough removed that they could continue their campaigns against the murderous multinational while ignoring all the rest of Obama’s betrayals. Now he looks to partner up with Monsanto, the arch nemesis of the progressive crusaders, to wreak untold suffering on an entire continent. Will this be the final straw for them or will they cave yet again and start to sing the praises of Monsanto?

Think Progress sing-along…

The Monsanto Foundation fighting global issues through Monsanto oriented solutions. Monsanto is the best world in the world.” new progressive Democratic Convention cheer

Only time will tell but I would not be one bit surprised if they sell out to Monsanto to support their glorious leader. Their capacity for hypocrisy seems to know no limitations.

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