Monday, February 24, 2025

Ukraine Crisis: Donbass. Chronicle of Genocide. Documentary Banned on MSM (archive)

(archived from August 22, 2014)

by Scott Creighton

The film opens up following a Ukrainian death squad, called a “punitive Battalion”, made up of ultra-right nationalists and Western mercs. They invade a home and take a prisoner, presumably some dissident who has spoken out against the illegal regime in Kiev (one of them says “go ahead. Open you mouth now”) He is beaten, hooded, loaded into the back of a truck and disappeared down a lonely street. This scene is repeated often in westernized (neoliberalized) Ukraine.

The indiscriminate shelling of villages and towns by the Kiev government is a war crime and a crime against humanity. And remember, it was all brought to these people because their leadership dared to reject a proposal to join the European Union. Remember, the color revolution featuring neo-Nazi thugs, was brought to you by the President Peace Prize administration on behalf of Big Business and Banking.

At one point two captured government soldiers are interviewed by the resistance fighters. They tell their captors that their commanding officers made it clear that if they refuse to fight, they will do 30 years in prison for treason.

The media in neoliberalized Ukraine are showing photos of the demolished cities in the separatist east claiming that the rebels are firing on their own cities when they are surrounded and have no place to go.

The video, after the break, is an hour and a half long documentary. Many of the videos have never been shown on the MSM here in the states or in Europe or Russia either for that matter. It is not overly dramatic nor needlessly gruesome but there are some sections that are difficult to watch.

(UPDATE: of course YouTube deleted the video) 

Watch on Odsyee here

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