(archived from October 7, 2012)
by Scott Creighton
Are you ready for another fake “Iranian Green Revolution“? Are you ready for another fake “Russian Election fraud” story? Well, you had better be, because another one is shaping up right now down in Venezuela and it promises to be the focus of our Peace Prize “winning” President just so long as his supporters are still focused on other things.
The trouble with neoliberalism, is that you just can’t seem to get people to vote for it, except in the case of Barack Obama and in that case, people really didn’t (aren’t) voting FOR neoliberalism as much as he just lies through his teeth and has better (and more expensive) marketing people than NIKE and COORS.
The mainstream media is pushing the meme that Hugo Chavez faces “the closest election ever” in order to prep the public mind for the next step in their global war on democracy and people who “vote the wrong way” like the people did in Chile and in Palestine and in Iran and Russia not to long ago.
The problem is, that’s not altogether true. Fact is, it may be “the closest yet” but that still means that Chavez is expected to win by a landslide. His reforms in the country have improved the lives of millions of working class Venezuelans and the only people who wish to change course are the 1% oligarchs and their sycophantic petty bourgeoisie wanna-bes.
The polls are pretty even when it comes to the 12% lead Chavez holds over his American backed neoliberal opposition Henrique Capriles Radonski. His approval rating is somewhere around 65% so he should have no problem winning his reelection. This is understandable because recently they upped the minimum wage by 30% the highest in Latin America, the literacy rate in Venezuela is around 95-97% much higher than even here, the GDP is growing at a rate of 6% annually, and the nationalized oil industry pays for universal healthcare, public education and a system of government sponsored housing which leaves practically not one single citizen on the street homeless.
Couple that with the fact that Radonski makes no effort to hide his American ties and his intentions to remake Venezuela into a neoliberal cesspool, overturning the reforms made by Chavez during the Bolivarian Revolution, and what you are left with is a rather straight forward victory for the incumbent president in what President Carter recently called the best and most transparent election system in the world.
International election monitoring agencies from around the world are all over Venezuela, too bad they didn’t show up in the United States back in 2000 and 2004. The Twin Towers would still be up and Iraq would have about a million more citizens, but that’s a different story for a different day.
Even the corporate hydra monster understands who’s going to win the election, that it isn’t expected to be close. They have to pay attention to such things so they can know when to pack their little travel bags and run around the world planting their seeds of “liberty” (and Yes that is a shot at the libertarian Ron Paulites)
“In August 2012, the Japanese finance organization, Nomura Holding published a client analysis stating that Hugo Chavez has a “large lead” against Henrique Capriles Radonski which they found “unlikely to be closed …before the October 7 election”. Likewise a Bank of America Merrill Lynch report earlier this year described “President Chavez’s commanding lead in the polls and high level of electoral support”. Mike Whitney
What happens today and tomorrow will be as key as it will be predictable. They (meaning the CIA backed NGOs like USAID and the National Endowment for “Democracy”) will get their fascist wanna-bes to stage little riots and protests during the election in locations already pre-staged with just the right Reuters and AP cameras ready to shoot the disturbances. Then the State Department will issue a claim that the elections are rigged just like they did during the recent Russian elections just like they did right after Obomber took office in Iran. These will be baseless accusations as they always are but it won’t bother the Obamaites because they don’t give a shit what their hero does just so long as a republican doesn’t win the “election” here.
Green Left recently wrote an article about this plan, citing a Council on Foreign Relations white paper that actually laid the whole thing out.
“In an extraordinary paper released in September, former US ambassador to Venezuela, Patrick Duddy, outlined a range of military, financial and diplomatic measures that the US should be prepared to take against the Chavez government after the October 7 elections. In the paper, published by the Council on Foreign Relations, Duddy’s recommendations include that in the event of “an outbreak of violence and/or interruption of democracy” the US should use various means to “to communicate to the Venezuelan military leadership that they are obliged to uphold their constitution, respect human rights, and protect their country’s democratic tradition” and “organize a coalition of partners to limit an illegitimate Venezuelan administration’s access to government assets held abroad as well as to the international financial system”. Green Left
Understandably, Chavez and many others see this process in play and are warning the Venezuelan people about it.
The good news is that these efforts by our lady of the lake Hillary Clinton, in support of her globalist hubby’s greedy fascist agenda, always seem to fail. They were able to hijack the Egyptian revolution and the Tunisian revolution by offering up the spoils of neoliberalism to various military and Muslim Brotherhood puppets but for the most part, Hillary’s destabilization efforts keep failing, one right after the other until they have to bring in the “professional jihadists” and NATO’s bombs just like they did in Yugoslavia during their first stint in the White House.
Today will be an interesting day.
For our owners, the message taken from the Venezuelan elections can’t be that the people can rise up and throw off the chains of the global elites. That sets a bad precedent if you know what I mean… the old “domino theory” of the disease of democracy. Can’t let the sheep think they run the pasture, soon enough they’ll be trying to move into the ranch house.
And the President Peace Prize regime needs a victory for the fascist oligarchs in the worse kind of way. Things aren’t going as well as they would like in Syria, we haven’t “won” their neoliberalization just yet, Iran is still Iran and the project in Africa is on hold till Oprah can successfully remake the Kony crack-head into a pillar of society again.
Yes, it will be an interesting day. Maybe they’ll shoot off a rocket full of VX and try to claim it came from Chavez via Syria via Iran via North Korea via China via Moscow or maybe they’ll just kill off another U.S. diplomat in the State Department. Whatever they have planned one thing is for sure, they will do something. The will of the people can never be allowed to stand in American global politics. It just isn’t in the cards.
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