Thursday, July 28, 2022

In the Fight Against the Great Reset, Language and History Matter

It is important to understand where this all comes from in our fight to put an end to their Neo-feudal Nirvana. 


AJ video


Lewis Powell Memo


Mark Rutte

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'... Adequate food, clean water and basic security are already beyond the reach of perhaps half the world’s population. Food prices have risen 61 percent globally since December 2008, according to the International Monetary Fund. The price of wheat has exploded, more than doubling in the last eight months to $8.56 a bushel. When half of your income is spent on food, as it is in countries such as Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia and the Ivory Coast, price increases of this magnitude bring with them malnutrition and starvation. Food prices in the United States have risen over the past three months at an annualized rate of 5 percent. There are some 40 million poor in the United States who devote 35 percent of their after-tax incomes to pay for food...

The refusal by all of our liberal institutions, including the press, universities, labor and the Democratic Party, to challenge the utopian assumptions that the marketplace should determine human behavior permits corporations and investment firms to continue their assault, including speculating on commodities to drive up food prices. ... It permits agribusinesses to divert corn and soybeans to ethanol production and crush systems of local, sustainable agriculture. It permits the war industry to drain half of all state expenditures, generate trillions in deficits, and profit from conflicts in the Middle East we have no chance of winning. It permits corporations to evade the most basic controls and regulations to cement into place a global neo-feudalism. The last people who should be in charge of our food supply or our social and political life, not to mention the welfare of sick children, are corporate capitalists and Wall Street speculators. But none of this is going to change until we turn our backs on the Democratic Party, denounce the orthodoxies peddled in our universities and in the press by corporate apologists and construct our opposition to the corporate state from the ground up. It will not be easy. It will take time. And it will require us to accept the status of social and political pariahs, especially as the lunatic fringe of our political establishment steadily gains power. The corporate state has nothing to offer the left or the right but fear. It uses fear—fear of secular humanism or fear of Christian fascists—to turn the population into passive accomplices. As long as we remain afraid nothing will change.

Friedrich von Hayek and Milton Friedman, two of the major architects for unregulated capitalism, should never have been taken seriously. But the wonders of corporate propaganda and corporate funding turned these fringe figures into revered prophets in our universities, think tanks, the press, legislative bodies, courts and corporate boardrooms. We still endure the cant of their discredited economic theories even as Wall Street sucks the U.S. Treasury dry and engages once again in the speculation that has to date evaporated some $40 trillion in global wealth. We are taught by all systems of information to chant the mantra that the market knows best.

It does not matter, as writers such as John Ralston Saul have pointed out, that every one of globalism’s  promises has turned out to be a lie. It does not matter that economic inequality has gotten worse and that most of the world’s wealth has became concentrated in a few hands. It does not matter that the middle class—the beating heart of any democracy—is disappearing and that the rights and wages of the working class have fallen into precipitous decline as labor regulations, protection of our manufacturing base and labor unions have been demolished. It does not matter that corporations have used the destruction of trade barriers as a mechanism for massive tax evasion, a technique that allows conglomerates such as General Electric to avoid paying any taxes. It does not matter that corporations are exploiting and killing the ecosystem on which the human species depends for life. The steady barrage of illusions disseminated by corporate systems of propaganda, in which words are often replaced with music and images, are impervious to truth. Faith in the marketplace replaces for many faith in an omnipresent God. And those who dissent—(from Alex Jones to Scott Creighton)—are banished as heretics.

The aim of the corporate state is not to feed, clothe or house the masses, but to shift all economic, social and political power and wealth into the hands of the tiny corporate elite. It is to create a world where the heads of corporations make $900,000 an hour and four-job families struggle to survive. The corporate elite achieves its aims of greater and greater profit by weakening and dismantling government agencies and taking over or destroying public institutions. Charter schools, mercenary armies, a for-profit health insurance industry and outsourcing every facet of government work, from clerical tasks to intelligence, feed the corporate beast at our expense. The decimation of labor unions, the twisting of education into mindless vocational training and the slashing of social services leave us ever more enslaved to the whims of corporations. The intrusion of corporations into the public sphere destroys the concept of the common good. It erases the lines between public and private interests. It creates a world that is defined exclusively by naked self-interest...'











  1. NYSlimes at it again.

    Swedish "scientist" BS gets his argument published there see what it is, for his idea of helping curb "climate change"!

    Fake Weather, Fake Resident, Fake Reality - Something BIG Is Happening!
    Jul 28, 2022

    1. DeSantis was yapping yesterday about not allowing any land in the state to be owned by hostiles or unfriendlies IIRC.

      U might want to check if he's got a proposed bill coming for that,and who he means.
      shows state by state what Billzebub owns, & here FL is 14,800 ac (640 ac per square mile).

  2. See how easy it is to put out some tripe pretending to be peacemaker, when u have hundreds of 'think tanks', foundations.bought and paid for msm dummies & ivory tower demonic denizens all spouting off daily.

    This "olive branch" offering is because they've clearly turned, not just said so, to take on CHINA for now.
    The US and its NATO allies need to take a series of steps to avoid a direct conflict with Russia over Ukraine, the Pentagon’s foremost think-tank advised in a report published on Tuesday. Sanctions against Russia have created conditions for one of the escalation pathways already, while the continuing flow of weapons and volunteers to Ukraine may trigger others, the RAND Corporation warned.


  3. WHY?
    Because they'll still have their private jets & chauffered limos.
    BUT NOT U!!

    World Economic Forum calls for end to private car ownership
    Jul 29, 2022

  4. Found yore humor piece of the day.
    And LO! It's from that *ucker *arlson guy.
    Newscreep is outraged.

    Tucker Carlson Calls Monkeypox SCHLONG COVID Sparking OUTRAGE, NY & SF Declare EMERGENCy Over Spread
    Jul 29, 2022

  5. ‘It’s madness’: Woke words explored in new book
    Jul 29, 2022


  6. Listen to this just in.

    Blumenfeld, Governor Gavin Newsom’s cabinet environmental policy advisor is linked to reports that state Jared Blumenfeld told water well owners that they now must pay for their own water out of their wells.
    Jul 30, 2022
