Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Bizarro News: Luke Skywalker Attacks Russia and FDA's Revisionism

It's all just too weird to believe sometimes.


Aunt BB https://www.youtube.com/@auntbb720

The Hill https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3762677-trump-digs-deeper-hole-with-constitution-comments/

NYT https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/12/06/world/russia-ukraine-war-news

Luke Skywalker https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/trends/current-affairs-trends/russia-ukraine-war-star-wars-actor-mark-hamill-helps-send-500-drones-to-ukraine-9379141.html

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  1. Larry-Curly Kud B. Moe aka Lameass Larry Touts Another Over-hyped Hot Air Burger* Gone Cold.
    (if he's airing it, believe me it's long gone cold)

    *Slightly upscale from a true nothingburger, but well below even a fat-free George Foreman grilled one.

    GOP lawmaker on Hunter Biden investigation: We are going to let the evidence speak for itself

    Which in-house celebrity shadow-boxer will the house employ in this hearing to spar & exchange softballs & spitballs with whoever is on the other microphone side??

    1. Remember: He's this Larry!

  2. Royalty, or dysfunctional narcissistic inbreds?
    You decide.
    Netflix releases second trailer for new doc featuring Harry and Meghan | Prince Harry and Meghan doc


  3. Oh, and don't forget that customs was actively working with the USPS to seize any medications you ordered. This was a full blown, nationwide effort to protect the EUA and push the Jabbs. Here's a MSM article regarding just one facet. https://www.newsweek.com/shipments-containing-ivermectin-hydroxychloroquine-seized-customs-officials-chicago-1635898

    1. Google refuses to let you know that this is TwinnyMcTwins account, fyi

  4. Evening dec6
    late nov.was the deposition.

    Fauci just dropped a BOMBSHELL in his covid collusion testimony | Redacted with Clayton Morris

    The full transcript from a deposition with Dr. Anthony Fauci was released on Monday. It is 446 pages of interesting reading. This deposition was done in November in relation to the case where the Attorneys General of Louisiana and Missouri are suing the Biden administration and several officials for manipulating online speech during the pandemic. Dr. Fauci is a named defendant.

  5. story resurfacing again
    A Spanish civil rights group says it has identified 102 Chinese 'police service stations' operating across 53 countries, including five in Canada. The locations represent 'rapidly expanding transnational repression campaign' by Beijing, says Safeguard

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAOoG9U9neU

    Protests interrupt Trudeau's speech on 1st day of COP15
    The first day of COP15, the UN’s biodiversity conference in Montreal, got off to a rocky start as protests disrupted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's opening speech. Delegates are under pressure to come up with a global pact to halt the loss of the world’s biodiversity.

  7. The world wonders!

    6 min
    Why has this year’s flu season been so intense for kids?

    btw, there's a second matching but opposite 'mystery' out there to match the statistical aberrant of this RSV showing up now in adults far more absolute numbers & % wise relative to children, where it was seen nearly exclusively .

    That is shingles is now showing up in kids in large numbers, and it used to be seen mainly in 50+ cohort. This one is also more severe in pain than the one out there 2+ generations.


  8. From e-mail:

    Dr. Henry Ealy, and Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, filed a grand jury petition in the 9th Circuit Court alleging that health officials committed criminal fraud and malicious misconduct by intentionally making the C*V*D outbreak look more serious than it was.

    The petition says that former HHS Secretary Alex Azar, current HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, and former CDC Director Robert Redfield hurt C*V*D data quality irreparably during a public crisis.

    The accusations include but are not limited to:
    Without federal oversight or public comment, the CDC essentially transferred clinical standards for what constitutes a C*V*D case to a non-profit group substantially backed by special interest money.

    Without federal oversight or public comment, they changed how death certificates for C*V*D deaths were filled out.

    And, during a time of crisis, the PCR technique, which had never been used diagnostically before and was never developed or intended to be used diagnostically, was approved to be used as a stand-alone diagnostic tool without federal oversight or public comment.

    The proper protocol would have been to submit these matters to the Office of Management and Budget which allows for oversight and an opening of a 60-day mandatory window for public comment.

    In not doing so, the CDC and HHS violated three federal laws (The Information Quality Act, The Paperwork Reduction Act, and The Administrative Procedures Act) and led to a massive defrauding of the American people.

    The result was the hyperinflation of the perceived numbers of C*V*D cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. T


  9. What a coinky-dinky.
    EXACTLY timed with this released $hitter files BS show.
    And if you read the details far enuf, you see those rfiles are being released in tranches (next onealready 2 days latefrom announced) because they're being oh-so-lovingly 'vetted' by Taibbi & someone from....the


  10. https://www.naturalhealth365.com/dr-mccullough-issues-dire-warning-about-covid-shots-for-children.html

    “The [COVID-19] disease is characteristically mild and is easily treated,” he says, corroborating reams of research, “and so the vaccines are not medically necessary, they’re not clinically indicated.” He adds that as a cardiologist, he has major concerns about the unknown impact of myocarditis (heart inflammation) on child recipients of these drugs, noting that “we don’t have any assurances that these are going to be safe over the short or even longer term.”
    Research does not support CDC’s move to push COVID shots on kids, McCullough says

    McCullough is not relying on his clinical and medical expertise alone in his warning against COVID shots for kids. He mentions several evidence-based reasons why he’s against putting these drugs into the arms of our nation’s youngsters:

  11. Anosmia, ageusia, parosmia.

    But instead of being greeted by the warm smell of roasted coffee beans, he felt a "cosmic void"—he couldn't smell anything. That's when he speculated that he had contracted COVID-19.

    Crippa was experiencing anosmia, the loss or impairment of one's sense of smell, and ageusia, the loss or impairment of taste. But he was not alone: back in 2020, around 41% of patients affected by COVID-19 were reporting these symptoms, per a review published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. Moreover, according to a 2022 meta-analysis in BMJ, about 5% of individuals who have been infected with COVID-19 could develop persistent smell or taste dysfunction. After a few months, Crippa's ageusia and other COVID-19 symptoms subsided.


    1. Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the United States as of November 24, 2022, by vaccine manufacturer
      As of November 24, 2022, almost 389 million Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine doses had been administered in the United States. This statistic shows the number of COVID-19 vaccinations administered in the United States as of November 24, 2022, by manufacturer.
