Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Bernie Sanders FINALLY Gets It!


#US Senator Bernie Sanders urged the US government not to provide another $10 billion to "the right-wing extremist #Netanyahu government to continue their war against the Palestinian people."


  1. OK, takes care of one lightweight asshat's spewings, but what's a real vip like jerry seinfeld saying?

    Meme showing up about sure enuf more aid needed because they're running low, like mahmoud vid i put up yesterday.

    BUT will hummus run them down totally before the izzies run out of real estate to "settle"/sell in gaza?
    Hamas tells Iran it can confront Israel in Gaza for months
    Thursday, 28 December 2023 1:24 PM [ Last

  2. Another thing: NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION! Go full Mexican, DON'T drink zie water!

    This EXACT scenario was predicted over 1 year ago (filmed summer/2022, released in fall/2022) by at least one but may have been 2 of the experts interviewed in that excellent web video series better than all the previous ones since 2020 in content and poignant info.
    The CDC got exactly what it wanted for Christmas: nationwide data showing sky-high levels of the latest COVID strain in the water supply.

    The most recent control tactic.

  3. Russia's east coast military "placeholder"---since russia so huge, 11 time zones, and now not just the capital but a war/smo is going on in the very west, need someone to ram home the point to japan/nato east about not trying anything.
    Altho i see today they are promising uke some patriots coming.

    North Korea’s Kim orders military to ‘accelerate’ war preparations due to US' confrontational moves

    UPPER RIGHT. NK-Russia short border. :

    and same old....poor Kim is continually interrupted from his day job as KFC counter clerk to do paid pronouncements from the other dear leader far to he west:

  4. dec27
    California EXODUS: 1.2 Million Flee HELLifornia's Budget Nightmare! $68 Billion Deficit!
    News For Reasonable People

  5. TRUE, or false?
    Seeing a few of these around now claiming this.
    and as usual, useless motormouths never have they been worse in their non-analysis, their missing any details of anything,...

    Here's How Super Hornets Just Shot Down Houthi Drones
    Ward Carroll
    506K subscribers

  6. Your quota 'Screaming Lying Wild-eyed Klimate Karen' post of the day:
    16 minutes
    Cities That Will Be Underwater by 2027
    Across The Globe
    They're not sinking, they're stinking!

    Meanwhile, i see out today it's a start but Sasquatchewan today says it will no longer collect and remit to him LBT's BIG LIE FEDERAL carbon tax on goods & services, which i guess includes those nasty dirty utilities that provide something called HEAT (thru NG) & electricity during the 5-7 month long winters here.
    HELLberta the biggie should be very soon/next out of this.
