Saturday, December 23, 2023

Do Not Test for Covid-19: Vinay Prasad gives you the right advice but for the wrong reasons

by Scott Creighton

I've been sick for several days now and am only starting to feel well enough to spend a little time in the office working on my websites.

It's an upper respiratory infection (URI) of some kind which is particularly troublesome for someone like myself as I have both COPD as well as chronic acute bronchitis.

My case started this past Thursday and was really bad yesterday as I moped about the house feeling sorry for myself and wishing I had someone to make me chicken soup. Oh well. Life choices fail.

Today I feel much better. I bring this up not for sympathy points but instead because I saw this video from Vinay Prasad explaining why he suggests you do not follow CDC protocol when you get a little sick and rush out to take a Covid-19 rapid antigen test to see if it is Covid.

I agree with his conclusion, just not how he gets there.


I did not test for Covid-19 and I will not. It doesn't matter what it is. Cold, Flu, Rona... it just doesn't matter anymore. The Rona is not killing people now like it did in it's prime (supposedly, if you believe the numbers, which I do not). It's just become part of our shared reality like any other cold or flu bug. There is no need to know what it is, just treat as best you can and avoid contact with others, like any other URI.

And this basically is what Prasad advises. But he suggests that the testing and staying home ONLY if it is a positive result for the Rona can cause other bugs to spread since the CDC appears to suggest you go to work no matter how you feel if your test comes back negative for the Rona.

He says you should forgo testing and just stay home when you are sick no matter what and that will help prevent the spread of the other types of URI and that makes sense. 

However he misses a key factor in all of this and that is Pfizer's bottom line.

For the longest time I have felt and probably you as well that the tests were rigged to provide positive results. This, I believe, was done to gin up fear of the illness and a sense of panic which would result in folks running out and getting the jabs. 

Right now Pfizer (especially) is having a difficult time down grading their sales forecasts for 2024 which is hurting their stock value which was just recently at a 10-year low.

Pfizer needs another Covid-19 scare to help them sell their new vaccines. I would not put it past them to contact the manufacturer of these tests and have them rig them so that they find more positive results. After all, they did it in the past. At the same time, coupled with the 'go to work with negative result' suggesting from the CDC, if the tests were set to miss real positive results, that would facilitate a new spread of the virus as people would think they just have a cold and go give the Rona to co-workers. Either way, it benefits Pfizer and Moderna.

Vinay does a section of this video on the relative ineffectiveness of the Rona tests and he explains they miss a lot of folks while also misdiagnosing and number more as being positive for the Rona.

But he is basing his numbers on old (but the most recent) evaluations of these tests. There is no way to find out just how effective the most recent batches of these things are.

And quite frankly, they lost my trust a long time ago. 

We all know the will rig the game to serve their interests. That is not some wild conspiracy theory. They have demonstrated it time and time again. We would be foolish to take them at their word.

So, it is for that reason that I suggest you do as I have and not get tested for Covid-19 when you get sick with some kind of flu-like URI.

Do what Prasad suggested, just stay at home, get someone who cares for you to make you some chicken soup. Take your ivermectin, take your hydroxychloroquine, get a bunch of TheraFlu and OJ and vitamin C and binge-watch Game of Thrones (just not that horrid last season) like I did.

It doesn't matter to the community at large if you have the Rona or the flu or a bad cold so long as you stay at home. 

The only ones who care are the folks trying to sell you their poison and call me a 'misinformation conspiracist' if you like, but I wouldn't put it past them to have the tests rigged in order to facilitate that goal. 

Fool me once...

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