Saturday, December 16, 2023

So Palestine Does Not Exist huh?

 by Scott Creighton

It makes it a LOT easier to wipe a nation off the map if they can convince you it never was on it to start with.

That sounds an awful lot like Winston Smith's job in 1984 doesn't it? 

But the facts are the facts. Here's one you might like... as of November of 2023 (two weeks ago) more nations on the planet recognized Palestine as a state than recognize Israel as one. 

After the fold a couple images for you to check out showing World Atlas and historical maps of Palestine as well as the info-graphic showing just which nations recognize Israel and Palestine as states.



World Atlas


Historical Map


Israel or Palestine or BOTH?

Map showing the recognition of Israel and Palestine by the 193 UN member countries.


 (source Visual Capitalist)

Looks to me like 19 nations recognize Israel but NOT Palestine.

Looks to me like 22 nations recognize Palestine but NOT Israel.

The rest accept BOTH.



Canada, US, Mex, Panama, UK, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Germany, France, Spain, Moldova, Italy, Greece, MMR, Australia, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand.


Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Algeria, MRT, Mali, Niger, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Oman, Somalia, Yemen, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, North Korea, Syria, Lebanon.

So yes, Palestine does still exist. The Zionists have not wiped it off the map just yet. Don't let the hasbara propagandists and their complicit apologists fool ya. It's still there and still worth fighting for.


  1. Looks like evil chuckie's fiefdumb is progressing nicely into a completely locked down surveilled fascist paradise.

    I can remember in the early years of the net finding out ol' blighty then 20+ years ago was already the most watched state on the planet in terms of cameras per capita.

    ULEZ= UltraLowEmissionsZone, basically the inner core of a mile or 2 radius. Costs big bux for daily rates to be inside it for any purpose.

    ULEZ Charges! If you dont pay Can they seize your car/motorcycle and sell it?

  2. SuckerBorg 9000 Mark I droid/reptoid prepping for when this goes on in his 'hood.
