Saturday, December 23, 2023

RFK Jr. Simping for Genocidal Zionists in Israel

by Scott Creighton

Pay close attention to this edited video from Crystal Ball as she interviews/debates Robert Kennedy Jr. on the subject of Gaza and Hamas (video below)

I hate RFK Jr. When he first announced his running for office I wrote and did videos telling to stay the hell away from him and that he was an unelectable hack posing as a leftie but really he was way right of Reagan, which he is.

These days he runs about with that Rent a Rabbi Schmuly guy pushing bullshit justifications for Israel killing children and babies in Gaza with weapons and munitions paid for by US taxpayers. 

In the video below watch how he simply denies the obvious, that the IDF is indiscriminately bombing civilians, and then justifies it by trying that same old tired trope... Hamas is hiding behind them... or some other stupid shit.


After playing the 'you only complain when Jews do it' card, RFK Jr. then jumps to the 'how do YOU suggest they get rid of Hamas?' as he leans back thinking the day is won.


'We don't' is the correct answer.

We don't regime change Palestine, Gaza, in order to benefit Israel. They want a complicit puppet regime in Gaza like they have in the West Bank so the Zionists can take all the good land they want, build their beachside gambling resorts on it, and then use the other locations to put some industries on taking advantage of cheap Palestinian labor.

Hamas has always refused to bend the knee to Glorious Israel and they always will.

We have no business telling the people of Gaza who they want to run their government. And just the question being asked by RFK Jr. shows how deeply undemocratic his mindset has become.

What if someone came to us and said: 

'After Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Haiti and Cuba... we feel like its best if we regime change your country and impose the kind of government that's more friendly to our way of life'

Does anyone think for one second the people of the United States would stand for it? Of course not. And Hamas was not invading or attacking another nation for personal gain and profit, they were striking out against an illegal occupying regime in Israel.

Which they had a right to do under international law.

It is a fallacy to suggest the baseline of what must be done in Gaza lies in REGIME CHANGE. 

Nope. Not buying it. It's bullshit concocted by Zionists and peddled by their simps, like RFK Jr.

The people of Palestine and the people of Gaza have a right to decide who will run their government after this conflict just like the people of Germany, Italy and Japan did after WWII.

To assume they do not is offensive and racist.

Hamas has put forth a plan to hold an election as soon as this conflict is over and the Zionists get the hell out of Palestine... again.

The people of Gaza will decide who runs Gaza, not the Zionists who want to steal their land.

To hell with RFK Jr. and his simping for genocide in Gaza. Screw him and anyone who tried to make excuses for him.

When they come at you asking 'well then how do we get rid of Hamas?' show them the fallacy of their assumptions. Show them not everyone thinks the way they do. 

Some of us still believe in the right of self-determination.


  1. Norm Finkelstein SHREDS Bill Maher's Israel Defense
    Breaking Points

  2. The U.S. and Israel Stand Alone”: World Demands Ceasefire as Gaza Death Toll Tops 20,000
    Democracy Now!

  3. Just think how many ruthlessly loyal to the cause (aka the munny!) defense contractors there are out there amongst all those MIC
    contractors out to fervently spend in a shit blind frenzy all that largesse bequeathed to them a week ago by the senaturds in the ndaa budget!

    Fugitive defense contractor returned to U.S. in prisoner swap with Venezuela
    PureBS NewsHour

  4. DEC20
    IDF paratrooper: Why the Israel-Hamas war is a generational war

  5. Humor piece.
    month old, remember seeing it but too many other things then.

    Rogane Rising!
    Trump, Rogan, Tucker JOIN FORCES At UFC Fight, TEASING Potential 2024 Ticket?!: Rising
    The Hill

    One of these skits he's pulling will someday accrue unto Joe enough SELLebrity points to vault into the revered & hallowed near-Valhalla level of stardumb, that being having a sellebrity bobble head on Scamazon!

    Like his compadre!:

    The Hill
    says aired DEC18
    DEC23 10 minutes

  7. Korea War in reverse coming to uke/russia, 72 years on!

    Well known now that then, russia was completely flying the "NK Air Force" jets, just painted in their colors, against the Useless Nobody approved "police action" they peddled that war as! They were all speaking russian on the airwaves.

    BUT this time it'll absolutely be active english speaking nato member pilots, or "contractor"= recently resigned and sheep-dipped as uke pilots, and also flying directly out of nato airbases nearest to uke, solely to use these as aerial launch platforms to launch some bigger badder longer range version of the Storm Shadows, etc., (German Taurus?).

    Uke has no suitable runways for this fragile jet's undercarriage, AND you don't deliver any goods to above ground places not aprons not revetments nowadays with all the drones (with night vision yet!) and sat surveillance 24/7. so you must use them immediately.

    It takes yeeearrrss many thousands of hours to proficiently fly a
    frontline fighter then promote only the very best in a combat role, so these will be used again solely as launch platforms, NOT dogfights or for air-air missile hits. Minimal skill levels here.

    F-16s delivered to Ukraine by the end of the year by Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and Belgium.
    Emil Cosman

    Especially wary when i see dear leader spouting off again here more false bravado, constantly misunderestimating his "competition", like before they sunk his flagship cruiser moskva just 2 months into the smo.
    There have now been 20K Gazans killed, not counting of course injured starving disease casualties, and this is very near exactly the same as the total number of 'Donbassians' collectively there killed since 2014 Maidan Square!
    That is the sum of 14,000 clearly documented by the Useless Nobodies up to the start of the SMO FEB/2022, and another 6000 since. Shelling just goes on.

    So maybemaybemaybe this time he really is going to have to put up or STFU. And that could be mere DAYS, as many have well noted with the track record of these announced supplies, all were there in stock and used by uke within 24-72 HOURS after announcing!:
    Putin Mocks U.S.-led NATO; 'Myth Of Western Equipment's Invulnerability Busted' | Russia-Ukraine War
