Thursday, March 7, 2024

Why is Prime Minister Ariel Henry Being Removed from Office by BBQ Biden's CIA Puppets in Haiti?

I have to publish this in order to use the links below in my video. Bare with me please. thanks.


'Aiming to ease the standoff, the Biden administration is increasing pressure on Prime Minister Ariel Henry to enable a transfer of power.

The United States was not actively “calling on him or pushing for him to resign,” Matthew Miller, a spokesman for the State Department, said. But, he added, “we are urging him to expedite the transition to an empowered and inclusive governance structure.” New York Times

 'Henry was last seen Friday in Kenya on a mission to salvage a multinational security force the east African nation was set to lead under the auspices of the United Nations. He left Haiti more than a week ago to attend a meeting of Caribbean leaders in Guyana, where a deadline was announced — by others, not Henry — to delay repeatedly postponed elections yet again. The balloting was pushed back to mid-2025.

That announcement is what appears to have triggered the latest explosion of violence. It began with a direct challenge from Chérizier, who said he would target government ministers in an effort to prevent Henry’s return and force his resignation.

He appeared to make good on that threat over the next few days as gangs launched attacks on the central bank, the airport, even the national soccer stadium. The culmination of the coordinated offensive came over the weekend when a jailbreak at the National Penitentiary and another prison released onto the streets of the capital more than 5,000 inmates, many of whom had been serving time for murder, kidnapping and other violent crimes.AP March 5 2024

Miami Herold wayback machine

'Henry entered politics as a leader of the Democratic Convergence movement which sought to topple President Jean-Bertrand Aristide,[17] who was accused of rigging the 2000 Haitian parliamentary election. He and Micha Gaillard led the opposition against the President at international forums.[19] After the 2004 Haitian coup d'état that ousted Aristide, Henry called for a transition government based on consensus and new elections. He later became a part of the "council of sages", consisting of seven members. The council was backed by the United States and elected members of the transitional government...

On 5 July 2021, he was selected as the next prime minister of Haiti by President Jovenel Moïse, but two days later, Moïse was assassinated, stalling the transfer of power.[25][26][27] At the time, incumbent Prime Minister Claude Joseph took control of the government, with the backing of the military, and was acknowledged by the United States as the rightful prime minister.[28] A group of prominent diplomats to Haiti called the "Core Group", which is made up of ambassadors to Haiti from Brazil, the European Union, France, Germany, Spain, Canada and the United States, in addition to representatives to Haiti from the Organization of American States and the United Nations, called on Henry to take charge as the head of the government on 17 July.[29] On 19 July, Joseph announced that he would stand down as prime minister in favor of Henry' Wikipedia

'At the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly on 25 September, Henry spoke about the recent expulsion of Haitian migrants by the United States from its border with Mexico and stated that while he did not wish to challenge its right to expel illegal migrants, migration would continue until wealth inequality no longer existed in the world. He urged wealthy countries to help less-developed ones improve their living standards more quickly to prevent it, and criticized the United States Border Patrol agents for their conduct while stopping the Haitian migrants. Henry also stated that his government was trying to apprehend Moïse's killers and asked for "mutual legal assistance" before the assembly, while promising to restore democractic governance in Haiti quickly.'

'On 1 January 2022, it was reported that Henry had survived an assassination attempt after he fled Gonaïves during a shootout between his security forces and an armed group.[47] The attempt on his life occurred outside the cathedral in Gonaives, where a ceremony marking the 218th anniversary of Haitian independence was taking place.[48] The incident resulted in one death and two others were injured.[47] Henry accused "bandits" of trying to assassinate him, and stated that the state should never bow to their demands...

Protesting police officers attacked the official residence of Henry and the Toussaint Louverture International Airport on 26 January 2023, in response to a rise in killings of fellow officers. Henry, who was at the airport at the time, was able to escape.[64][65] The High Council for the Transition was formally installed by him on 6 February 2023'

'Despite efforts to make the COVID-19 vaccine available and free to all, more than a year after the first doses arrived, Haiti still registers one of the lowest vaccination coverage rates in the world.

By September 2022, 17 countries and territories in the Americas had reached the goal of vaccinating at least 70 percent of their inhabitants. Today, only 1.9 percent of the Haitian population had received the first two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.' PAHO Sept 2022

'Less than two weeks ago (July 13th 2021), Haiti was the only country in the Americas without a single dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. With last week’s arrival of half a million vaccine doses donated by the U.S government through COVAX Facility, vaccinations quickly started in select hospital sites in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince.' UNICEF July 27 2021

'Jovenel Moïse, the 43rd president of Haiti, was assassinated on 7 July 2021 at 1 a.m. EDT (UTC−04:00) at his residence in Port-au-Prince. A group of 28 foreign mercenaries, mostly Colombians, are alleged to be responsible for the killing.' Wikipedia

'In the wake of one of the most devastating moments in Haiti's arduous history, there has been a bright spot.

One week after Haiti's president was assassinated, the country's first shipment of COVID-19 vaccines finally arrived.' NPR

'Following the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise on July 7, a new meme circulating on social media presents the unfounded claim that he and four other leaders, who also died while in office, were killed for opposing COVID-19 vaccines...There is no evidence of a causal link between vaccines and the death of President Moise.' Reuters

'“If Ariel Henry doesn’t resign, if the international community continues to support him, we’re heading straight for a civil war,” Jimmy Chérizier, a top gang leader and former police officer known more widely as Barbecue, told reporters in Port-au-Prince on Tuesday.

Mr. Chérizier and other gang leaders have gone on a rampage around Port-au-Prince over the past week, clashing with the police and attacking the airport, bank offices, government buildings and prisons, including the country’s largest penitentiary, allowing thousands of inmates to escape.' NYT

Chris Hedges, Dan Cohen and Kim Ives try to LeftWash CIA asset and brutal thug Jimmy BBQ Chérizier with a puff piece 'documentary' back in the day

'Cherizier’s transformation to revolutionary leader, the multi-faceted disinformation campaign waged against him by the US government and Haitian oligarchy, and how his neighborhood is punished for its resistance.'

Chris Hedges: Haiti’s Jimmy “Barbecue” Chérizier: Gang Leader or Revolutionary? + Another Vision: Inside Haiti's Uprising



'It takes a particularly dangerous type of gangster to end up on a United Nations blacklist.

Jimmy Chérizier, a Haitian mob boss who earned the nickname ‘Barbecue’ over his alleged taste for burning enemies alive, has been threatening to throw the Caribbean nation into lawless chaos for years...

A motley alliance of armed gangs united by Barbecue broke around 3,700 inmates out of two major prisons, killing 12 people in the process and threatening to shoot down anyone who stands against them...

He became a police officer serving in the Departmental Crowd Control Unit, a riot force accused of meting out violent and often deadly punishment to anti-corruption protesters and others who dared to criticise the authorities.

A police report and two human rights groups named him as a key player in the massacre of more than 70 men, women and children in La Saline in 2019, which also saw 400 homes burned down.' MSN



  1. Next FF being a little too clearly telegraphed.
    Started a week ago with a claim = press release that some inet service was lost somewhere small locale, and they actually tried blaming it on that sinking brit ship with 41,000 tonnes of fertilizer on it disabling/crushing the undersea cables, well before it sunk!!
    must be damn shallow waters there?

    All u have to do is sub 'iran' for 'houthis', and know that iran back around Nov/2016 had ALL its inet u/sea cables cut (by who?) took weeks to restore it all.

    so, a clear hint to iran next escalation, likely if they use their next more accurate more powerful wunderwaffe soon as they've claimed
    the past 10 days now.
    Undersea Internet Cables Cut Amid Red Sea Escalation | Vantage with Palki Sharma
    209K views 1 day ago

    1. This article 7th is lukewarm on the theme, but not anywhere over the target over what's posted above.
      this IAEA bluff/bullshit show is not new, been going on forrrevvvver, endless hundreds of "news releases" over the past 20 years, and has zero predictive value.

      Every time the IAEA has asked us for clarification, we have given them answers. Nothing has changed. Tell us what part of our nuclear program isn’t transparent, and we will prove that it is.

  2. TRUE, or false?

  3. Fuck!…

    Email inbound

  4. You are the greatest hope for a decent person in this country. Please let me know where I can donate.

  5. Comment someone awake under recent Mahmood OD video.

    America and the Zionists plan to build a port on the Gaza Shore in the guise of bringing Aid to the starving people of Gaza is nothing less then a plan to hermetically seal off ALL BORDERS from Egypt and the rest of Occupied Palestine, and to use the Port to slowly Ethnically Cleanse the entire population of Gaza to the Rest of the World, DON'T FALL FOR THIS DEMONIC ZIONIST TRAP, Shame on Egypt and the rest of the world for not simply demanding that the thousands of trucks waiting at the Borders be allowed in OR ELSE.

    Great gaza-med map here:

  6. Old story here dated as 7th, but came out 10 days ago posted.

    I'm sure this has something to do with Sisi trying to make up the shortfall from the collapse in his Suez ship transit fees. (down 40-50% since last October when the houthis reported for work)
    Desperate To Escape Gaza Carnage, Palestinians Are Forced to Pay Exorbitant Fees to Enter Egypt

    With almost no options for escape, people in Gaza are increasingly paying thousands of dollars to fixers connected to the Egyptian government.

  7. 104 NOW---Sweden just joined the arms bazaar equivalent of the $700 Club.

    Why the US Sells Weapons to 103 Countries
    Johnny Harris
    890K views 2 days ago

  8. And here new they have one on haiti!
    Who to save Haiti? Gangs take over in America's poorest nation • FRANCE 24 English
    FRANCE 24 English
    238K views 1 day ago
