Sunday, March 10, 2024

YSP members among 17 PKK suspects arrested in southern Türkiye

 from Daily Sabah

Turkish authorities on Saturday arrested 17 suspects linked to the terrorist group PKK, including five members of the pro-PKK Green Left Party (YSP).

Nazlı Binici, the head of YSP’s Suruç branch, as well as four other Suruç city council members belonging to YSP, a doctor and a teacher, were among the 17 suspects detained in raids across three districts of southeastern Şanlıurfa province last Wednesday.

The suspects were accused of operating as two separate groups within the PKK, with one surveilling and reporting on police stations and security checkpoints while the other was preparing for assassination against security forces under direct orders from so-called top members of the terrorist group, authorities said.

The YSP is informally known as the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) and is a successor of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). The party rebranded as YSP after last year’s May elections to skirt a Constitutional Court lawsuit seeking its permanent closure over alleged links to the PKK. It later tried to change its name to the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (Dem Party), but the courts rejected the request...

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1 comment:

  1. PKK has carried out many attacks in IRAN past 20+ years.

    Best article today's humor here:
    Ramses II, U get a brain!

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    U get a taco!
    Uncovered head and torso a match for the lower section discovered in 1930 by a German archaeologist
