Friday, December 1, 2023

The Final Lock-down: Censorship, CISA and Cognitive Security as Thought Police are Reimagined

 by Scott Creighton

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) (formerly known as Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)) was finally approved in the United States in the wake of the Edward Snowden psychological operation which followed the murder of Aaron Swartz and an army of 800 lobbyists invading D.C. to DEMAND they pass their law which essentially privatized the surveillance state here in America.

'In all, with the aligned companies that make up the various Roundtables and alliances, there are 800 corporations that support the passage of CISPA.

800 corporations, Business Roundtable, Financial Roundtable, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, the Military Industrial Complex in general all standing for something the general public is strongly against...

...This is basically the wet dream of the fascist state which is why 800 corporations support it and spent $68 million dollars last year lobbying congress to push it through this year.' Scott Creighton

They cleverly found a way to get the general public to cry out for a remaking of the system by which intelligence information is gathered and processed here in the US by simply getting a nerdy-looking front-man and supposedly trust worthy alt-journalists to push it with some bullshit Power Point 'leaks' that had been known already for years.


I never fell for it.

' A widely shared blog post from Scott Creighton, meanwhile, calls Snowden a "manufactured hero" and expands the conspiracy to include journalists Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, who broke the story.' Salon 2013

Today, CISA is being used in all sorts of unseemly ways and one of the most troubling might be how it is used to handle the issue of what they call 'Cognitive Security'

(The CogSec website wont let you copy their text in order to quote their fascist game-plan so I took a screen shot instead)

'to defend against social media engineering attempts intentional and unintentional manipulations of and disruptions to cognition and sensemaking (sic)'

If that doesn't sound like Thought Police I don't know what does.

Here are two current videos showing how CISA is being used and going to be used against us, one from the U.S. and one from Ireland. 

What has come before is merely prelude. The Beta testing. What comes next is the real deal and folks out there are ready, willing and able to bring the hammer down in the new fully fascist state they expect to see realized. Yep, the NWO, the Global Reset, the 4th Industrial Revolution. 

Poppy Bush once called what is coming a 'really big idea' and he was right. An end to the Great Experiment and a beginning of fascist Reich of a Thousand Years.

Check these out.

The Censorship Industrial Complex targeting American civilians holding 'disfavored views' so deemed by Big Business and the fascist government that serves them.

' Shellenberger: "US and UK military contractors" deployed "sophisticated psychological operations and disinformation tactics... against the American people." DiscloseTV


In this next video from Ireland we see the Justice Minister trying to claim the majority of people in the country want 'hate speech' laws i.e. censorship. A reporter keeps pointing out that's not the case and she just plows right though it cus, let's face it, fuck the public, we can't have the potential for 'disruptions to cognition and sensemaking (sic)' now can we?

' Justice Minister (Ireland) Helen McEntee: "The vast majority of people do want" hate speech laws" Camus


Their efforts are clear. The pieces being set in place for the final lock-down to end all lock-downs.


However, just like in any game of wits, once you see your opponents' plan of attack, you can easily take steps to avoid the trap.

H/T to the reporters and whistle-blowers and researchers out here sounding the alarm and shining a light on the machinations of the fascists of the world.

In spite of what the CIA's Washington Post says, Democracy doesn't die in darkness. It flurishes in the shared dreams and whispered sedition of the oppressed. 

Only indifference, willful neglect and self indulgent collaboration can kill Democracy, that once Great Experiment of governance of, by and for the people.

'A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.' Proverbs 10:4
Timshel. Thou Mayest. 

The choice is ours. Chose wisely.

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