Saturday, December 9, 2023

The Gaza War, “Big Money” and the Insidious Role of the World Economic Forum

 from Global Research

After a temporary lull in the fighting in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli government’s war against Hamas resumed in full force on 4 December. Under the pretext of eradicating the “terrorist threat: once and for all, the Israeli army is once again showing no consideration for the Palestinian civilian population.

It is now clear to any unbiased observer that this is no longer a matter of defense, but of targeted destruction – a destruction in which thousands of innocent victims, including countless children, are willingly accepted.

Why? What and, above all, who is behind this monstrous inhumanity? 

Some background events that are largely withheld from the general public by the mainstream media, but which may also be decisive for the future development of the conflict, could shed light on this...

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