Friday, December 8, 2023

The Rot: A Free Speech Rant for Rich Eisen

The House Committee on Education held a special session discussing how best to punish leaders of three universities for not shuttering free speech on their campuses in defense of IDF bombing children in Gaza. Rich Eisen of the Rich Eisen Show on Roku took it upon himself to help promote the idea of censorship in America on behalf of Israeli Zionist policies and actions. So I took it upon myself to set the record straight. Israel has no constitutional rights. We do. 


The Rot (links)

No End In Sight

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  1. NOPE!
    Sorry, one of your previous Dear Leaders spelled it out for u---it's just a goddam piece of paper!

    Where do you see this 1st amendment actually being rigidly ENforced, not suppressed or jigged and watered down with all manner of arbitrary endless 'hate speech' exceptions/restrictions imagineered garbage they pull out of their asses?

    The USA Plans To Send Your Uncles, Cousins And Sons To Fight Russia. Military Summary For 2023.12.08
    Military Summary
    11 minutes

  2. Recall this classic brew up, just days after OCT7?

  3. Now playing in the patty cake shadow boxing puppet show.

    TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Senior United States officials have aimed rare levels of criticism at the Israeli regime’s conduct in its war on Gaza as the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) prepares to meet.

    The council is expected to convene on Friday to discuss a resolution calling for a ceasefire in the two-month-long war. Despite Washington’s warnings to Israel, the US is thought unlikely to pass the resolution.

  4. very few covering the imploding finances aspect of this and how long they can keep this war going.
    Sean Foo had a good one a week ago i put up, with charts and graphs of their state finances, bond drives demanding high risk category rates nearing junk bond, etc.

    Dunno how official and accurate this "half million" figure is, maybe just guesses, becuz last week was out article said it was well over 1.0 million.

    According to data from the Ministry of Aliyah and Integration, only about 2,000 people “immigrated” to Israel between October 7 and November 29.

    “This is equal to nearly 1,000 immigrants per month, compared to around 4,500 per month on average since the start of this year until the outbreak of the war,” Zman said.

    That came as the war has taken a heavy toll on Israel’s economy. According to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics, one in three businesses has shuttered or is operating at 20 percent capacity. More than half of businesses also suffered over 50 percent loss in revenues.

  5. Brian good one out great title.
    SO, missiles really are just like a box of lovingly hand-made Forrest assorted chocolates---you don't know what you're gonna get!

    24 minutes
    US Missiles Made for & Aimed at China

  6. More enforcement of frei speich.

  7. Coming to a head here, maybe even dragged out to the holiday recess coming ca dec20.
    TurdO's newest greatest tax, another "evil carbon" tax.

    MPs still voting as Conservatives continue to stall the House
    MPs continue a marathon voting session in the House of Commons, which began Thursday night, as the Opposition Conservatives fulfill a promise to stall the Liberal government's legislation with an avalanche of votes in a bid to force carbon tax exemptions.

    Mentioned b4, this now AB will be put to a vote there, after AB invoked the "notwithstanding clause" recently:
    Alberta to let residents vote on whether to leave Canada Pension Plan

    How absolutely whacked out these snakes are economy/housing/jobs completely dysfunctional out of balance royally FFFF'D here look this comment:
    Now Fraser, Freeland wants to use the CRA as a weapon to anyone that short term rentals their primary home just to help pay the mortgage. (There are 7994 active STR licenses in all of toronto. That's less then .03% of all toronto housing stock.) I
    Now Fraser, Freeland wants to use the CRA as a weapon to anyone that short term rentals their primary home just to help pay the mortgage. (There are 7994 active STR licenses in all of toronto. That's less then .03% of all toronto housing stock.) I
    50K views 1 day ago

    1. Here's the take from our whacked out on west coast weed klimate karens at our taxpayer funded joke aka Castro Belching Caca corpseoration.

      At Issue | Canada's cap on oil and gas emissions
      CBC News: The National
      2.1K views 3 hours ago

  8. Thanks, Scott ... Good work.
    Since we're dreaming, I believe a single state on what was the UK's Palestinian Mandate as of 1948, a state where one man equals one vote is the plan that is going to win the cigar. This requires removing the greatest impediment to Western Asia's "democracy" problem. The one state solution will only work if the future state is SECULAR.
    Before Balfour, that part of the world saw the peaceful and (relatively) fruitful enjoyment of benign coexistence. This will return once the "territory" is one, free of Apartheid, and independent.
    The ensuing politics should be quite lively since the population is close to evenly split along enthnic/pseudo-religious lines.
    I guess Israelis and Palestinians who oppose the inclusion of all residents (regardless of their origins)in one state and the 100% enfranchisement of all eligible voters should consider emigrating. The USofAs is a perfect alternative.
    Call it "Palrael" or call it "Israstine", only one state with liberty and justice for all (remember?) will do.
    Victor G.
