Monday, April 1, 2024

Netanyahu revives push to shut down Al Jazeera in Israel

from al Jazeera

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has revived a push to close down Al Jazeera in Israel.

The Israeli leader demanded on Monday that his coalition government prepare to push legislation through the Knesset that would allow the prime minister to shut down foreign news networks.

Netanyahu, who has long sought to shutter broadcasts from the Qatari-based media outlet, promised to “immediately act to close Al Jazeera” following the law’s adoption, according to a statement from his Likud party.

The bill, passed in a first reading in February, would give the prime minister and the communications minister the authority to order the closure of foreign networks operating in Israel and confiscate their equipment if it is believed that they pose “harm to the state’s security”.

The revived push to shut the station comes as Netanyahu faces huge protests against his handling of Israel’s war with the Palestinian group Hamas....

read more here


  1. And speaking of this theme, looks like the scots are going all in just in the nick of time!
    “This Will Be Weaponised!” Fears Scotland’s New Hate Crime Law ‘Criminalises’ Free Speech
    53K views 3 days ago

    jonathan landsman

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    Numerous regulatory bodies have found sufficient evidence to suggest that glyphosate is likely carcinogenic. Since acquiring Monsanto in 2018, Bayer has faced billions of dollars in lawsuits.
