Saturday, June 22, 2024

Israel pounds north Gaza after attack on southern al-Mawasi ‘safe zone’

from al Jazeera

The Israeli military has launched attacks across the Gaza Strip after an assault on a tent camp in al-Mawasi in the south killed at least 25 people, according to Palestinian officials.

On Saturday, at least 42 Palestinians were killed by Israeli attacks on the Shati refugee camp and the Tuffah neighbourhood in Gaza City, the head of Gaza’s Government Media Office told Al Jazeera.

Reporting from Deir el-Balah, in central Gaza, Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum said the Israeli military targeted a residential neighbourhood in the Shati refugee camp, where displaced Palestinians from the north of the territory were told to seek refuge.

“Rescuers with the help of civilians are trying to sift through the rubble to find survivors,” he said. “The casualties arriving at Al-Aqsa Hospital are surging.”

Gaza’s civil defence spokesperson Mahmoud Basal said it was “very difficult” to reach victims in Shati.

“Israel is reattacking areas that it had operated in, despite its previous announcement that it managed to control militarily the northern part of Gaza,” Abu Azzoum reported...

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Armenia officially recognizes State of Palestine

from Daily Sabah

Armenia announced on Friday its recognition of the State of Palestine, joining other countries in doing so amidst the Gaza conflict.

The Armenian government stated it opposes "violence towards civilian populations."

"Based on the above and confirming its commitment to international law, equality of nations, sovereignty and peaceful coexistence, the Republic of Armenia recognises the State of Palestine," Yerevan said.

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Israeli strike on camp for displaced kills 25, injures 50 in Rafah

from Daily Sabah

At least 25 Palestinians were killed, and 50 others were wounded after Israel carried out strikes on tents providing shelter to displaced people in Al-Mawasi, Rafah on Friday.

In a statement, the Health Ministry in Gaza said the death toll from the Israeli attack on tents in the Al-Mawasi area rose to 25, with 50 others injured.

Earlier, medical sources told Anadolu Agency (AA) that rescue teams recovered the bodies of 18 victims and provided treatment to 35 injured people after Israeli tanks targeted the displaced persons' camp.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society confirmed the incident in a statement, noting that its medical teams are "handling a large number of casualties following the Israeli shelling in the area."

Two Israeli Merkava tanks positioned on a hill opposite the Shakoush area in western Rafah fired artillery shells at a gathering of displaced people near the gate of the International Committee of the Red Cross field hospital, resulting in multiple casualties, witnesses reported to AA...

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More on the looming bird flu disaster. Lots of good new info, especially on how they avoid regulation of pandemic vaccines

(You should definitely be following her substack)

from Dr. Meryl Nass substack

You may not be surprised that our old friend, Sir Dr. Jeremy Farrar, 007, OBE who was licensed to Overdose 2600 hospitalized patients on HCQ in the RECOVERY and SOLIDARITY trials, has been on the bird flu beat for 20 years. No wonder he got his Order of the British Empire. He’s been stoking these flames a very long time.

And his fellow criminal, Dr. Peter Horby, Principal Investigator of the RECOVERY trial, who is only responsible for overdosing 1600 hospitalized patients of whom 400 died, was with Farrar in Vietnam 20 years ago to start up bird flu fear porn. He was made a Knight Bachelor for his services to eugenics in the UK in 2021.

Peter Horby, Director of the Pandemic Sciences Centre, and Professor of Emerging and Infectious Diseases and Global Health, becomes a Knight Bachelor for services to Medical Research. He co-leads the UK Randomised Evaluation of COVID-19 therapy (RECOVERY) trial, the largest randomised controlled trial of COVID-19 treatments in the world. He is also the lead investigator of the EDCTP-funded epidemic-preparedness network – African coaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training (ALERRT).

Don’t forget the USA! The Council on Foreign Relations did their bit to stir the pot of chicken flu. They sent journalist and Senior Fellow Laurie Garrett on a national tour dressed as Henny Penny, to tell us that birds were falling out of the sky from flu, but not till they migrated to the US from overseas, and that millions of humans could die. Especially young, healthy people according to Garrett. (I’ve previously reported I attended one of her lectures at the MDI Biolab in Maine around 2005.)...

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Someone Sent Me This

 by Scott Creighton


Someone just sent me this. 

Insidious huh?

The same reader who told me when Why-KEY-Leaks came out, as a government contractor, everyone had to sign a document saying they would never go to the website. I figured they did that to keep valuable government contractors from being caught in the honeypot trap.

But most likely they did that to plant the Wikileaks seed in their minds so they would go there if they had anything they wanted to leak.

Insidious huh?

This FortiGuard thing doesn't block my Blogger website. Not yet anyway. Just all the Bitchute videos I post. They block everything from Bitchute because Bitchute doesn't censor like YouTube and Twitter and Facebook.

This is the world we live in, where certain thoughts and ideas are routinely censored by our corporate overlords and we just accept it, find ways around it, get on with our lives as the world darkens a little more each day.

Insidious huh?

Thursday, June 20, 2024

News of the Day: June 20 2024

Today's news. Gaza, Netanyahu, Ukraine, H5N1 and more.

Wikileaks Was, Is and Always Will be an Intelligence Agency Operation (archive)

Someone asked for some archived Assange videos, so here we go.

With the New CISPA on the Docket, Wikileaks Pushes New “Pro-Palestinian” Cracka Hacker Bullshit (archive)

(archived from October 22, 2015)

by Scott Creighton

CISA is on the floor of the Senate! We need a CRISIS to get them to vote for it!!!”



The new CISPA, CISA, is on the floor in the Senate right this minute and about to be voted on. It’s the new cyber security bill that promises to hand over control of collection all of your information and storing it to Big Business… it’s basically the definition of fascist surveillance state. This bill makes is so Big Business can collect your data, sell your data, analyze your data, predict your behavior based on that data, share it with Big Brother and even take steps to minimize the risk you pose to the New World Order of theirs all on their own with built in immunity for fucking your life up.

It’s the “gold standard” of the fascist control grid as Hillary Clinton might call it and it is EXTREMELY unpopular with the people of this country.

The privacy-killing law CISA — which gives legal immunity to corporations when they share your private data with the U.S. government — is back on the Senate floor after Internet activists have successfully delayed it many times. This could be our last chance to stop it for good.”Boing Boing

We already got part of the new CISPA in the USA “Freedom” Act thanks to the “Edward Snowden” psyop and Glenn Greenwald helping manufacture a crisis they could use to pass it.

Now it’s Wikileaks’ turn I suppose.

Zelensky bans another Ukrainian opposition party

from RT

A Ukrainian court has banned the Nash Krai (Our Land) political party and ordered the seizure of its assets at the request of the Ministry of Justice. The move is the latest in a crackdown on the opposition under Vladimir Zelensky’s administration.

A panel of judges from the Eighth Administrative Court of Appeal issued the ruling on Wednesday, according to a statement.

“The court satisfied the claims of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine: the activities of the political party Nash Krai were banned; the property, funds and other assets of the party, its regional, city, district organizations, primary cells and other structural units were transferred to the state,” the statement read.

The party was registered in August 2011 as the ‘Bloc Party’ and was renamed ‘Nash Krai’ in 2014. From 2015, the party positioned itself as a “group of local leaders and businessmen” who aimed to avoid political games and intrigue, according to RBK Ukraine. Only three of its members were elected to the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) as independents in 2019, but the party gained some 1,694 seats in regional administrations during local elections in 2020.

Following the escalation with Russia in February 2022, Zelensky banned major political competition, including Opposition Platform – For Life (OPZZh), the second biggest party in terms of seats in the Verkhovna Rada. He also cracked down on the media, shutting down multiple television channels associated with his political opponents and consolidating nine of the largest TV networks into a single 24-hour state-run broadcast dubbed ‘Telemarathon’.

Zelensky’s presidential term expired on May 20, although he chose not to hold elections under the pretext of martial law imposed after the beginning of the conflict with Russia...

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Bird flu spread raises global pandemic alarm

from Daily Sabah

Surging cases of bird flu among mammals, including U.S. cattle, offer a stark warning that the world is not ready to fend off future pandemics, a report said, urging leaders to act quickly.

More than four years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, politicians are "gambling through neglect" by not putting enough money or effort into avoiding a repeat of the disaster, the report said.

The bird flu H5N1 has been increasingly spreading to mammals, including cattle in farms across the U.S. and a few humans, prompting fears the virus could spark a future pandemic.

"If H5N1 began to spread from person to person, the world would likely again be overwhelmed," the report's co-author and former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark told a news conference.

It could even be "more disastrous, potentially, than COVID-19," Clark said...

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UN rights office accuses Israel of violating laws of war in Gaza

from Daily Sabah

The U.N. human rights office on Wednesday accused Israeli forces of repeatedly violating fundamental principles of the laws of war in their military campaign on Gaza.

In a report assessing six Israeli attacks that caused a high number of casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure, the U.N. human rights office (OHCHR) said Israeli forces "may have systematically violated the principles of distinction, proportionality, and precautions in attack."

"The requirement to select means and methods of warfare that avoid or at the very least minimise to every extent civilian harm appears to have been consistently violated in Israel's bombing campaign," said U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said Wednesday.

Israel's permanent mission to the United Nations in Geneva characterized the analysis as "factually, legally, and methodologically flawed."...

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US calls off meeting with Israel after Netanyahu's criticism of Biden

from Daily Sabah

The United States canceled a strategic meeting with Israel scheduled for Thursday over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's criticism of the Joe Biden administration.

"It's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel,” Netanyahu stated in a video posted on X Tuesday.

"The meeting was set to take place in Washington on Thursday and was set to focus primarily on the progress of Iran's nuclear program,” the Haaretz reported.

"Instead of the delegation that was supposed to travel to Washington, led by Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, there will only be a meeting between National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan,” the daily reported, citing a senior Israeli official.

President Joe Biden previously halted some shipments of American weapons to Israel, alleging that it did not comply with protecting civilians...

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Israeli military spokesman’s Hamas defeat remarks widen rift with Netanyahu

from al Jazeera

Israel’s military spokesman has exposed a widening rift between the country’s political and army leadership, questioning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stated goal of destroying Hamas in the Gaza Strip for the war to end.

After nine months of war in which more than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed in the name of eliminating the armed group that governs the besieged enclave, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari told Israel’s Channel 13 broadcaster on Wednesday that the task was impossible and simply “wrong”.

“This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear – it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” he said. “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people – whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong.”

Reporting from Amman, Jordan, Al Jazeera’s Hamdah Salhut said Netanyahu’s office was “fuming” at Hagari’s remarks.

“This just gives you an idea of what Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies are in this war, and the army on the ground saying it is actually not realistic,” she added...

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Hagari’s acknowledgment of Hamas invincibility attests to Israel’s defeat in Gaza: Official

from PressTV

A senior Hamas official says remarks by Israeli military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari on the impossibility of eliminating the Palestinian resistance group shows that the regime has failed in its genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas' political bureau, made the remarks on Wednesday after Hagari admitted that the declared aim of destroying Hamas is unattainable.

He described Hagari’s remarks as “a bitter confession and proof of the occupying enemy’s failure in the war on Gaza.”

The Hamas official also said that Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu still persists in continuing the aggression despite knowing that it is “futile and will lead nowhere.”

“The Zionist regime knows that it cannot destroy Hamas even by dropping hundreds of tons of explosives on the people of Gaza,” he added.

In an interview with Israel’s Channel 13 news, Hagari said, “Hamas is an idea, Hamas is a party. It’s rooted in the hearts of the people — whoever thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong,” noting that anyone promising this is “throwing sand in the face of the Israeli public."...

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Can Israel defeat Hamas? Its own military doesn’t seem to think so, clashing with Netanyahu

from NBC News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may still be leading the nation into its 257th day of war in Gaza, but on Thursday he stood increasingly alone — and at odds with his own military.

Long criticized at home as well as abroad, Netanyahu's approach is now the subject of a deepening disagreement with his top brass as well as his country's top ally, the United States.

Israel's leader dissolved his war Cabinet earlier this week after political rival and former defense minister Benny Gantz stepped down, accusing Netanyahu of standing in the way of “real victory.”

And on Wednesday, the Israel Defense Forces' top spokesman seemed to lay bare the rift at the top of the country's leadership. The central stated goal of the war in Gaza — to destroy Hamas — was not possible and to maintain it was meant "throwing sand in the eyes of the public," said Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari.

Hamas is an idea. Anyone who thinks we can eliminate Hamas is wrong," Hagari said during an interview with Israeli broadcaster Channel 13. "The political echelon needs to find an alternative — or it will remain," he said, referring to the Palestinian militant group...

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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

H5N1: Big Business Making Ready for the Big Cash Op

from T


'The tech companies are starting to ramp up marketing to get in on the plandemic profits already, because they see what’s coming.  All that’s needed now is that inevitable emergency declaration (or are we supposedly still in an “emergency” by default?) so everybody and their brother, sister and second cousins can start submitting for EUA approval for their bird flu tests.  The experimental inoculations are probably already developed.  Just need to pretend to wait just long enough to break the warp speed record for shortest time to a phony vaccine while retaining the credulity of enough of the population.'

'T' follows my work and has first hand knowledge of medical research industries. This image is from an email sent to him this week. Clearly those in the know are making ready for the 'cash cow' that may end up being Disease X or the next plandemic. 

Kansas V Pfizer: statement Mr. Kris Kobach, Kansas Attorney General

 from Dr. Campbell

How Scared Should You Be of Bird Flu?

from NYT

How worried you should be about H5N1, the bird flu virus spreading on dairy farms in the United States, depends on whom you are.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has described the current H5N1 risk to the general public as low. The risk that the virus poses is tempered by the fact that it doesn’t spread easily among people — yet.

Right now public-health experts have the difficult task of urging authorities who can do something about H5N1 to take action, while maintaining public trust. Americans have just been through a pandemic that resulted in over one million U.S. lives lost. They may feel weary of more bad news or fear-based messaging. Communicating that while the threat level for most people is low, but if nothing is done it could become quite high, is not easy but is important.

Experts need to be clear that currently, the levers of action are squarely in the hands of government leaders and agricultural interests, not in the hands of the general public. But public attention is key to ensuring that authorities find the will to act.

No one knows whether H5N1, if left unchecked, will become the deadly pandemic that public health experts like me worry it could...

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'Painful failure': Israel war minister says 'difficult Gaza war' costs regime dearly

from PressTV

Israel's minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant has admitted the occupying regime’s "painful failure" and intelligence fiasco on October 7, highlighting the cataclysmic cost of the "difficult Gaza war" for Tel Aviv.

Gallant made the remarks at a ceremony on Tuesday, saying the war with the Palestinian resistance movements has cost Israel a lot, particularly in the besieged Gaza Strip.

He noted that Israel has received heavy blows in the ongoing war in Gaza and its casualties are very high.

"This difficult war took the Israeli military by surprise and we paid a heavy price,” Gallant said, adding, “The painful failures will be studied and we will learn from them, and these lessons and experiences will have an effect on our future.”...

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Israel to double down on settlements after Palestine recognition

from Daily Sabah

Israel announced it is considering several measures, including bolstering illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, following the recognition of Palestine as a state by several countries.

In a statement late Sunday, the prime minister's office said the Security Cabinet discussed actions to "strengthen settlement in Judea and Samaria" in response to the countries that "unilaterally" recognized a Palestinian state. The cabinet also reviewed a "series of responses" against the Palestinian Authority for its "actions against Israel" in international forums.

"The defense minister and the attorney general requested additional time to comment on several of the proposed clauses. The prime minister instructed that all of the proposals be submitted to a vote at the next Security Cabinet meeting," the statement said.

Under international law, all settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories are considered illegal...

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Israeli authorities responsible for war crimes in Gaza, UN inquiry finds

(They open the statement as I did on Oct 8th saying 'Oct 7 events did not happen in a vacuum' and go on to list what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians in Gaza for years. That was the subject of the very first video I did on this subject and something almost no official agency ever recognizes. Good for them.)

al Jazeera English

Israel found guilty of committing the following war crimes (and more to follow according to the report):

  • extermination
  • intentional targeting of civilians and civilian objects
  • murder
  • using starvation as a method of war
  • forcible transfer of civilian population (depopulation of targeted areas for re-population purposes)
  • gender persecution of Palestinian men and boys
  • sexual and gender based violence amounting to torture
  • cruel or inhuman treatment
  • weaponizing distribution of humanitarian aid

All of these disproportionately effect women, disabled, elderly and children.

IDF knew of Hamas's plan to kidnap 250 before October 7 attack - report

from Jerusalem Post June 17 2024


These exercises included raiding military posts and kibbutzim (collective communities in Israel), kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and maintaining the hostages once they were in the Gaza Strip.

The report by Kan News stated, "Security sources told Kan News that the document was known to the intelligence leadership, at the very least in the Gaza Division."


The IDF had precise information about Hamas's intentions, but due to prevailing conceptions within the security establishment and possible negligence by senior officials, the warning signs were not acted upon.

The report further detailed that Israeli intelligence officials monitored the exercise and documented the steps Hamas planned to take after breaching Israeli territory and taking over military posts. The expected number of hostages, according to the document, was between 200 and 250 people.

"Israeli intelligence officials who monitored the exercise detailed in the document the next steps after breaching into Israel and taking over the posts, determining that the instruction is to hand over the captured soldiers to the company commanders. The expected number of hostages, it states, is between 200 and 250 people," Kan News reported.

This information, combined with a new and sophisticated security barrier completed two years before the attack, was believed to have made such an assault improbable. However, the barrier failed during the Hamas attack, highlighting a significant intelligence and security oversight.

The general staff investigation team is expected to present initial findings from this failure to the Chief of Staff in the coming weeks, as the country seeks to understand how such a lapse in security could occur despite having detailed advance knowledge of the enemy's plans...

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U.S. says it doesn't know what Netanyahu is talking about after he attacks Biden for 'withholding weapons'

(Seems to me that Bibi is trying to help Trump get elected by stabbing Biden in the back after being gifted tons of bombs to wipe out Gaza and aid in planning his Salvador Option campaign against the people of Palestine. Trump promises even more help with the Zionist agenda while Sheldon Adelson's widow is funneling Trump's campaign millions and millions of bucks.)

from NBC News

The United States says it has no idea what the Israeli prime minister is talking about.

The Biden administration on Tuesday rejected Benjamin Netanyahu's accusation that Washington had been "withholding weapons and ammunitions" from its close ally over the "past few months." The Israeli leader implied that this was hampering his military's ongoing offensive in Gaza, now focused on the southern city of Rafah.

"We genuinely do not know what he is talking about. We just don't,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said as she maintained that only one shipment of heavy bombs had been paused since the war began, while billions of dollars of arms have continued to flow into Israel.

On Wednesday, the United Nations human rights office said that the laws of war were likely being "consistently violated" in the Israeli military's ongoing assault on the Palestinian enclave, citing the use of heavy bombs...

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Pfizer court case, Kansas (Dr. Campbell)

 from Dr. Campbell


selected text of lawsuit:

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Global failure to prepare for pandemics ‘gambling with children’s future’

 (Tell me this shit isn't scripted)

from The Guardian (H/T T)

World leaders are “gambling with their children’s and grandchildren’s health and wellbeing” by failing to prepare for a future p(L)andemic, a new report warns.

Amid surging cases of H5N1 bird flu in mammals, and an mpox outbreak in central Africa, two senior stateswomen have said the lack of preparation had left the world vulnerable to “devastation”.

Helen Clark, former prime minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former president of Liberia, were co-chairs of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, which was set up by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2020.

At a World Health Assembly in May 2021, the panel set out a series of recommendations to change how the world tackled pandemic threats and avoid mistakes made during the Covid-19 response.

Today, they said that at the current rate of preparation, the world would probably be overwhelmed by any new pandemic threat...

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A Vetted 9/11 Truth Advocate Looks at the Reformed 'Conspiracist' Grifters

I wonder why this is suddenly a big thing in the news cycles today. Oh yeah. Something wicked this way comes.

Israeli Politician CITES HITLER As Inspiration: Yes, This Is Horrifically Real (Owen Jones)


It was bound to happen sooner or later.

9/11: The Conventional Explosives Hypothesis (a summary of Scott Creighton’s work)

(I don't know who wrote back in 2018, I'm sorry. I had no idea it was written. A very nice and thorough  analysis of my work on 9/11 demolition theory. Outstanding even. All the links are broken, however, I would guess you can find each article by using the link and the Way Back Machine. Thank you very much, whomever you are. Looks like the author stopped posting around July 2023. Hope you see this. Thanks again. Good work.)

from KapitalGate

Mr. Creighton’s hypothesis, authored over many articles, argues that the Towers were destroyed “via conventional demolition, and that during the design stages of the process, the conspirators relied too heavily on the use of detonation cord in the floor systems, which led to the vaporization of most of the truss systems. This was accidentally revealed (the “iron microspheres”) when the RJ Lee Group did their Composition and Morphology study of the Ground Zero dust samples for Deutsche Bank.”

PETN/RDX is a good candidate because these are the most commonly used hi-explosives in the industry. They have a long, studied history and are generally reliable. It’s sensible to start with the most plausible hypothesis (conventional hi-explosives) first, and failing that, move onto testing more exotic hypotheses.

Primaline 85 detonator cord would be used to pulverize the concrete, and also to remove the building’s lateral support supplied by the double-bridged long trusses. RDX cutter and kicker charges would be used to cut columns down to a specific length (every three floors is a common estimate from what I’ve read), and then ‘kick’ those columns out of the way from the proceeding downward collapse. Refer to article three, “Demolition Hypothesis”, for further details on the demolition sequence.

Background Reading if interested (Chronological Order):..

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The mutant bird flu lurking on our borders

from RNZ

Highly pathogenic avian influenza - H5N1, or bird flu - has been flying around the world since the late 1990s. 

New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands are so far free of it, but now it has been discovered in mainland Antarctica and scientists say it is only a matter of time before it gets here. 

By then, it will be more than just a virus that hits ducks and poultry farms, although that is bad enough. 

The virus is mutating and has transferred with devastating effects into wild bird populations. 

It has also turned up in mammals...

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NZ must be prepared for bird flu, experts say, as Australia confirms first human case

from RNZ (H/T T)

New Zealand must be prepared for the bird flu strain causing concern overseas, public health experts say, as Australia confirms its first human case.

The H5N1 strain of bird flu has been spreading among wild birds and poultry globally for more than two years.

But scientists are on alert for changes in H5N1 which could signal the virus is adapting to spread easily among humans amid reports of human cases and spread among cattle in the US too.

"The H5N1 virus is constantly evolving and could potentially become easily transmissible from person to person," the World Health Organization's (WHO) website states.

"If this occurs, it could be the start of a new influenza pandemic, as was the case with the 1918 and 2009 H1N1 pandemics."...

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Monday, June 17, 2024

What is Missing from Palestinian Response to Biden's Fake Peace Deal?

Full text of Palestinian response

Pentagon Anti-Vaccine Campaign Against Russia, China Revealed Threats to Cybersecurity

(Seems like the DoD ran disinformation campaigns against a number of Covid-19 vaccines that were not their mRNA experimental jabs. Makes sense considering the fact that the DoD made Sars-Cov-2 in the Lugar Center under a DTRA contract with NIH and EcoHealth Alliance and they financed the creation of Moderna in order to manufacture the mRNA jabs. I think it's the DoD who went to Pfizer and demanded they make a Covid vaccine using their mRNA model.)

from Sputnik News

The Pentagon ran a secret anti-vax campaign to undermine China during the pandemic and to discredit vaccines in several other countries, media reported on Friday.
The Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) recorded a targeted and coordinated campaign against vaccination in Russia, including through various channels of disinformation, such as fake accounts, anonymous sources, and biased experts, the RDIF stated in response to a report that the Pentagon waged a secret campaign against a Chinese coronavirus vaccine to undermine China's position during the pandemic

The Russian Direct Investment Fund calls for the creation of reliable mechanisms to counter information attacks by unfriendly states, including in the healthcare sector, the fund said.

According to the RDIF, information attacks on international markets included false claims by the UK Cyber Security Center that Russian-linked hackers had attempted to steal data from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada on the development of a coronavirus vaccine. In addition, the US Department of Health and Human Services openly wrote in a report about how it convinced Brazil not to use Russia's Sputnik-V vaccine.

"Since the beginning of the registration of the Sputnik V vaccine, we have observed a targeted campaign to undermine confidence in the achievements of Russian scientists, in total, we have recorded more than 300 information attacks on vaccines of the Sputnik family,"
"Successful results of the Sputnik vaccine on foreign markets that demonstrated its safety and efficiency as one of the best vaccines, as well as the publication of these results and other studies in the world's leading scientific journals, played a key role in the RDIF successfully countering the information attacks on the Russian vaccine," Dmitriev added.

In addition, the RDIF has initiated more than 50 studies and scientific publications on the Sputnik vaccine family...

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Rochester Hills splash pad shooting: What we know about victims, suspect

(No motive. Loner. Found 'dead by his own hand'. Found the dreaded 'assault rifle' on his kitchen table like a plot-point prop. Conveniently left behind a hand-gun registered to his home. Why not his driver's license or passport? Just happened to have another one to 'shoot himself' with.)

(Michigan is trying to pass legislation banning 'ghost guns' which are weapons either 3-d printed or made in such a way as to not have a registration number. What a coincidence. They 'found' the patsy suspect because the 9m Glock was registered. They also, supposedly, prevented a second mass shooting... all because the gun he used was NOT a 'ghost gun'.  Go figure.)

from Detroit Free Press


Police described the suspect, Michael William Nash, as a 42-year-old male who lived with his mother. Bouchard said the man had no criminal history, but was believed to have had mental health challenges.

Nash died by suicide after being "contained" at a Shelby Township home for several hours following the attack, Bouchard said. Bouchard said after attempts to contact the suspect failed, drones were deployed to examine the home, where Nash was found dead.

Inside the home on the kitchen table was what looked like a semi-automatic rifle, Bouchard said. He suggested Nash may have had plans for a "second chapter."

"If he had planned to do anything else, and it wouldn't surprise me, because having that on the kitchen table is not an everyday activity," Bouchard said Saturday.

Bouchard described the shooting as "very random" and "bizarre." Nash has no known connection to the victims, he said. Detectives are still working to determine a motive.

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Israel’s government, not war cabinet, should be dissolved: Lapid

from al Jazeera

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid has reacted to Netanyahu’s move to disband the war cabinet, stating that it should be his government that loses power instead.

Lapid, who heads Israel’s centrist Yesh Atid party, has been a prominent figure in antigovernment protests sweeping Israel.

He has called on the government to strike a deal with Hamas to bring home the captives and repeatedly urged Netanyahu to resign.

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Israel ‘lied’ about 'tactical pause' as Rafah crossing destroyed: Govt.

from PressTV

The Government Information Office in the Gaza Strip says Israel lied about a daily pause of its attacks in southern areas of the Palestinian territory.

The office made the announcement on Monday, a day after the Israeli military claimed that it will carry out a “tactical pause of military activity” every day from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. local time to allow aid trucks to move from the Kerem Shalom crossing up the Salah al-Din road and northwards.

The Kerem Shalom crossing is the main entry point for incoming aid to southern Gaza. The Rafah crossing, also in southern Gaza, is another entry point for humanitarian assistance into the besieged territory.

Israel has repeatedly closed the the tightly controlled crossings in a deliberate attempt to block the flow of food, medicines and basic supplies into Gaza, using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare...

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Hamas urges more relief amid 'Israeli war of extermination'

from Daily Sabah

Hamas called Sunday for intensifying relief efforts in the face of Israel's "war of extermination" in the Gaza Strip for over eight months, as Palestinians marked Eid al-Adha despite death and destruction.

In a statement marking the Feast of Sacrifice, the group urged support for "the resilience of our Palestinian people and their defense of their sacred sites," and called for "increased efforts to provide relief in the face of the ongoing genocide, ethnic cleansing and starvation."

This year's Eid al-Adha holiday comes amid Israel's continued brutal offensive on the Gaza Strip that has claimed the lives of thousands of Palestinians and caused a humanitarian crisis. Vast tracts of the enclave lay in ruins amid a shortage of food, clean water and medicine...

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Benjamin Netanyahu denounces Israel military’s ‘tactical pause’ plan

from Financial Times

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has denounced as “unacceptable” plans by his country’s military for a limited pause in operations near a crossing into Gaza that was intended to help aid distribution in the shattered enclave. 

Netanyahu’s comments on Sunday came amid growing domestic criticism of his handling of the nine-month war against Hamas and a national mood soured by one of the deadliest days for the military of the conflict so far. 

Eight Israeli combat engineering soldiers were killed on Saturday in the southern Gaza city of Rafah when their armoured personnel carrier was destroyed by what officials said was likely to have been a Hamas anti-tank missile. 

Two more soldiers were killed in northern Gaza later on Saturday, while a third succumbed to wounds sustained in Rafah last week. One soldier was killed on Sunday in an explosion at the entrance to a Hamas tunnel in Rafah, the Israeli military said...

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Netanyahu disbands his inner war cabinet

(Why should he keep the war cabinet when its the U.S. telling him what to do?)

from Reuters

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved the six-member war cabinet, an Israeli official said on Monday, in a widely expected move that came after the departure from government of the centrist former general Benny Gantz.

Netanyahu is now expected to hold consultations about the Gaza war with a small group of ministers, including Defence Minister Yoav Gallant and Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer who had been in the war cabinet.
The prime minister had faced demands from the nationalist-religious partners in his coalition, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, to be included in the war cabinet, a move which would have intensified strains with international partners including the United States...

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Sunday, June 16, 2024

How Did We Get Here? Maybe Carl Sagan Knows

Carl Sagan video clips

What Carl Sagan Saw Coming Will Shock You

by Scott Creighton

Sure Brian Williams doesn't get it. He never does. He thinks he's talking about Trump or the Covid skeptics or Russia hacking our elections or something equally inane. But the truth of Carl Sagan's prediction from 1995 sings out to us from beneath Brian's hollow purpose and in spite of it. 

There is another clip of Sagan talking about technology and power and the need to keep the ability and the right to question authority when it comes to new developments. Obviously both videos feature prescient warnings that went unheeded, unfortunately. 


Carl was certainly not the only one who saw this coming. Bill Cooper and Michael Parenti are two others I can think of off the top of my head from that time frame (90s) who tried to warn us and who were, along with Sagan, almost completely ignored by those whose future earning potential demanded they ignore such things.

Palestinian Resistance's response to 'Israel's' ceasefire proposal

 (This is the official response of the Palestinian Resistance to the so-called Israeli Plan which the Israelis continue to deny is their plan. Right off the bat I notice one striking omission: there is no demand that Israel officially recognize Palestinian statehood. Israel when mentioned as a state (not Israelis as a people) is used by putting the name of the country in quotation marks. This appears to be done to symbolize they do not recognize Israel's statehood any more than Israel recognizes theirs. Also notice the repeated focus on Israel immediately leaving the Netzarim corridor, or what I call the Nakba Highway. They refer to it as the Netzarim Axis and as I have pointed out, it leads straight to the Nakba Pier and the location of the last settlement to be forced out of Gaza in 2005 or 2006.)

from al Mayadeen June 14 2024 H/T Aletho News

After the Palestinian Resistance in the Gaza Strip recently submitted its response to the American proposal for a ceasefire, including comments and amendments reflecting its conditions, Al Mayadeen acquired a document outlining the basic principles of the response document.

Here is the text of the Resistance's response:

Friday, June 14, 2024

H5N1 Plandemic, Biden's Offer to MbS and Other News of the Day

Happy Friday folks. Now I am off to toil in the sun on a play-pen for toddlers. 

Bird flu is rampant in animals. Humans ignore it at our own peril

(Have the finally decided on the next PLANDEMIC? This one, according to them, could just naturally transform into something that takes the world by storm. No need for bat soup stories or for framing China, China, China, CHINA, China)

from CNN  (H/T T)

Mark Naniot remembers 2022 as the summer from hell.

As the co-founder of Wild Instincts animal rescue in Wisconsin’s Northwoods, Naniot and his team spent the season sweating in gloves, gowns, smocks and masks and going through what felt like endless rounds of disinfection as they moved between the cages of the sick and injured animals they cared for.

The precautions were necessary for a trio of infectious diseases occurring with some frequency in wild animals that summer: Covid-19 was still making life difficult, and a devastating contagion called chronic wasting disease was showing up in deer in the area.

Then, there was H5N1 bird flu to contend with. “It’s highly, highly transmissible,” said Naniot, who has been involved in animal rescue for 35 years...

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Joe Biden Should Press Hold on Saudi-Israel Normalization

(This fucking horrible deal comes from MbS telling the world months ago that they will suspend all trade and potential deals with Israel until they recognize Palestinian statehood. Our sycophantic collaborators in D.C. rushed over there and dropped to their knees promising the moon and the stars to S.A. in an effort to buy them off. What does S.A. do for us? They recognize Israel. WTF does that do for us? Should be TREASON on Biden's part. U.S. lives to defend the kings of Saud? Are you fucking shitting me? They also know this will drive a wedge between the kingdom and other Muslim nations who back Palestinian statehood like Iran. This is TREASON and it is an attempt to relieve pressure on Israel that could bring an end to the genocide in Gaza. It is pathetic.)

from National Interest

Amid the horrors of the war in Gaza, a better future awaits the Middle East. A grand bargain is on offer that would establish diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel, move toward a two-state solution, and create a bulwark against Iran via a U.S.-Saudi defense treaty. 

But we are not there yet. Before normalization, the Saudis insist that Israel take “credible and irreversible” steps toward a two-state solution. The current Israeli government won’t take those steps, meaning normalization will have to wait for a more centrist government. Since the structure of the grand bargain is that nothing is agreed upon until everything is agreed upon, a deal is not at hand. That means the United States should shift focus away from its attempt to get an accord before the presidential election in November. Instead, Washington and Riyadh should lay a firm foundation for the next U.S. president to finish the deal.

To review the bidding in the grand bargain, the United States would commit to a binding defense treaty with Saudi Arabia, provide it with civilian nuclear reactors, streamlined weapons sales, and access to advanced chips for Artificial Intelligence development. Saudi Arabia would recognize Israel, limit Chinese participation in sensitive sectors such as high-tech, and sign a Safeguards Agreement and possibly the Additional Protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency to govern the use of nuclear reactors. Israel would commit to a two-state solution (process)...

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The Shift: Bowman’s Bad Poll

from Mondoweiss

We’re less than two weeks away from the Democratic primary in New York’s 16th district and things are not looking good for Rep. Jamaal Bowman.

A new poll from Emerson College shows Bowman’s challenger, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, leading 48% to 31%.

Latimer is backed by AIPAC and the financial discrepancy is staggering. So far Bowman has spent less than $2 million on the race, while AIPAC alone has spent $13 million in support of Latimer. They’re projected to spend $25 million on the race altogether.

Bowman became a target of pro-Israel lobbying groups the moment he mounted a campaign against longtime House member and pro-Israel zealot Eliot Engel four years ago. Since ousting Engel in that upset, Bowman has remained a thorn in the lobby’s side, but things really got serious after October 7th. Not only was he one of the first Congressional members to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, he’s defended use of the phrase “For the River to the Sea”, is also one of the only politicians to call what’s happening a genocide, and has even questioned the official Israeli narrative of what happened on October 7th...

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Gaza resistance sources say fear is rising U.S. pier will be used for forced displacement of Palestinians

(Nakba Pier)

from Mondoweiss

In March 2024, U.S. President Joe Biden announced in his State of the Union address that the U.S. would be building a temporary “floating pier” on the Gaza shoreline to deliver humanitarian aid to the starving population in Gaza. “No U.S. boots will be on the ground,” he promised.

Since then, however, critics have raised concerns that the pier is not only being used for “humanitarian” purposes but is being employed for military activities that aid in the ongoing Israeli genocide in Gaza.

An intelligence source from within the resistance in Gaza, who spoke to Mondoweiss under conditions of anonymity, says there are mounting signs the U.S. pier could also be used to forcibly displace Palestinians. This would provide an alternative to the original Israeli plan of forcing Palestinians into the Sinai, which was rejected by Egypt early on in the war.

“The floating pier project is an American solution to the displacement dilemma in Gaza,” the source said. “It goes beyond both the Israeli solution of displacing Gazans into Sinai…and the Egyptian suggestion of displacing [Gazans] into the Naqab [desert].”

Instead, the source said, the U.S. pier would be used to facilitate the displacement of Gazans to Cyprus, and then eventually to Lebanon or Europe...

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How the US government uses NGOs to corrupt ‘civil society’ around the world

from RT

In the West, and beyond, pressure groups operating under the banner of “human rights non-governmental organizations” (NGOs) have become key actors in disseminating war propaganda, intimidating academics, and corrupting civil society. These outfits act as gatekeepers determining which voices should be elevated and which should be censored and canceled.

Civil society is imperative to balance the power of the state, but governments are increasingly seeking to hijack it through NGOs they fund. They can enable a loud minority to override a silent majority.

In the 1980s, the Reagan doctrine exacerbated the problem as these “human rights NGOs” were financed by the government and staffed by people with ties to intelligence agencies, to ensure civil society won’t deviate significantly from government policies...

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Israeli defence minister rejects French plan towards defusing border tensions with Lebanon

(Anyone working to resolve these conflicts is considered hostile by the corrupt leaders in Israel who are keeping the conflicts going in order to remain in power.)

from al Jazeera

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has ruled out joining an initiative promoted by French President Emmanuel Macron in which France, the United States and Israel would form a contact group to work on defusing tensions on Israel’s border with Lebanon.

“As we fight a just war, defending our people, France has adopted hostile policies against Israel,” Gallant said in a statement. “Israel will not be a party to the trilateral framework proposed by France.”

Tensions boil in Rafah as Biden blames Hamas for Gaza truce delay

(Blame the victim. Typical bully bullshit)

from Daily Sabah

Residents reported Israeli helicopters striking Rafah on Thursday, with more violence in the southern Gazan city, while U.S. President Joe Biden referred to Hamas as the "major obstacle" to another truce.

Tensions also escalated on Israel's northern border, with Hezbollah, a Hamas ally, launching more attacks on military positions and a civilian reportedly killed in an Israeli strike in Lebanon.

Israeli ground forces have been active in Rafah since early May, despite international concerns about Palestinian civilian casualties and a ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) later that month.

Western areas of Rafah came under heavy fire on Thursday, residents said.

"There was very intense fire from warplanes, Apaches (helicopters) and quadcopters, in addition to Israeli artillery and military battleships, all of which were striking the area west of Rafah," one told Agence France-Presse (AFP)...

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Israeli polls show Netanyahu party narrowing gap behind Gantz

(According to recent polling, Hamas is gaining support among Palestinians and Bibi and Likud would lose to both Gantz and Naftali Bennett if this conflict ended today and snap elections were held tomorrow.)

from Reuters

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right wing Likud party has reduced the gap behind the centrist party of former minister Benny Gantz, who quit the wartime unity government on Sunday, two polls showed on Friday.

The polls, for the left wing Ma'ariv daily and the right wing Israel Hayom newspaper, showed Likud winning 21 seats behind the National Unity Party on 24. The Ma'ariv poll last week showed Gantz's party on 27 seats, while at the start of the year, it was regularly polling in the high 30s.
The Ma'ariv poll shows the current ruling coalition winning 52 seats in the 120-seat Knesset, against 58 for the main opposition parties, with the balance of 10 seats held by the United Arab List and the left-wing Hadash-Ta'al alliance.
The Israel Hayom poll put the coalition on 50 seats against 61 for the opposition parties and 9 for the UAL and Hadash-Ta'al.
Both polls showed a majority of voters would prefer Gantz as prime minister in a head-to-head choice with Netanyahu. However the Israel Hayom poll showed that if former prime minister Naftali Bennett were to join forces with Avigdor Liberman and Gideon Saar, two other centre right politicians from outside the Likud camp, their alliance could beat both Likud and Gantz's National Unity Party...

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Poll shows rise in support by Palestinians for armed struggle

from Reuters

Support for armed struggle as the best means to end Israeli occupation and achieve statehood rose among Palestinians while backing for the militant group Hamas also increased slightly in the last three months, according to an opinion poll.

The poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) showed support for armed struggle climbed by 8 percentage points to 54% of those surveyed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Support for Hamas rose by 6 percentage points to 40%. Fatah, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, had 20% backing.
The polling was carried out some eight months since the start of the Gaza war, which began when Hamas fighters stormed communities in Israel, killing some 1,200 people and abducting another 250, according to Israeli tallies, prompting the Gaza war...

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Poll: Support for armed struggle against Israel surges among Palestinians

(PSR is located in the West Bank and is not run by Hamas.)

from PressTV

A new opinion poll shows that public support for the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas and armed confrontation as the best means to end Israeli occupation has increased among Palestinians.

The results of the poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) come as Israel's brutal onslaught on the besieged Gaza Strip continues for the eighth month. 

The poll found that support for armed struggle rose by eight percentage points to 54 percent among those surveyed in the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank.

The opinion poll showed  support for Hamas also climbed by six percentage points to 40 percent and the Gaza-based group enjoyed more support than the Palestinian movement Fatah, led by President Mahmoud Abbas, with 20-percent backing.

Walid Ladadweh, head of the Survey Research Unit at PSR, said the rise in support for Hamas and armed action is a reaction to Israel’s months-long destruction and killing in Gaza...

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What’s stance of Hamas and Israel on US-proposed truce plan endorsed by UN

from PressTV

On Tuesday evening, a joint delegation of Palestinian resistance movements, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, delivered their response to the US-proposed ceasefire deal to Qatari authorities.

According to Palestinian media reports, the response prioritizes the interests of the Palestinian people and the necessity of completely halting the ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian resistance groups reaffirmed their commitment and readiness to engage positively in reaching an agreement that ends the eight-month aggression on the besieged Palestinian territory.

Immediately after the response was delivered, Egypt and Qatar confirmed it and posted a joint statement on the Facebook page of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“The two sides confirm that their joint mediation efforts with the United States of America will continue until an agreement is reached, as the mediators will study the response and coordinate with the parties concerned regarding the next steps,” the statement read.

Hamas political bureau member Izzat Al-Rishq stated that the response submitted by the resistance groups is “responsible, serious, and positive.”

“The response is consistent with the demands of our people and our resistance, and opens a wide path to reach an agreement. The Israeli media’s incitement to Hamas’ response indicates attempts to evade the agreement’s obligations,” he said.

Hussam Badran, Head of the National Relations Office at Hamas, emphasized the Palestinian demands, “most notably a ceasefire and the occupation’s withdrawal from Gaza.”

“We have not returned to point zero in the negotiations, and what is new is the Security Council’s decision and Biden’s speech on the necessity of ending the war,” he noted.

“Nothing positive came from the occupation regarding the recent UN Security Council resolution. The ball is in Netanyahu’s court, and pressure must be directed at the occupation.”

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Gaza Horror: UN Finds Israeli Forces Guilty of Sexual Abuse and Torture

(Systemic rape? Who committed systemic rape during this conflict? Oh. It was the Israelis. That figures. What also figures is the IDF soldiers making little boys strip naked and assume sexual positions. Draw your own conclusions. Pedo pieces of shit)

from Mint Press News

A UN-mandated Independent International Commission of Inquiry has uncovered evidence of egregious sexual violence committed against Palestinian men and women in the Gaza Strip. This adds to a mounting series of reports indicating the issue is widespread and systematic.

The United Nations report, released on June 12 under a Human Rights Council resolution, revealed that Israeli forces “systematically targeted and subjected Palestinians to SGBV [Sexual and Gender-Based Violence] online and in person since October 7, including through forced public nudity, forced public stripping, sexualized torture and abuse, and sexual humiliation and harassment.”

The report noted specific types of sexual violence perpetrated by Israeli soldiers targeting men and boys during ground operations and arrests. Soldiers took videos and photos of Palestinians after stripping them partially or fully naked. The captives were also “coerced to do physical movements while naked.”

Families of men and boys taken captive were made to watch as they were paraded in the street, either fully naked or in their underwear while being subjected to sexual harassment...

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Someone at Disney Better Start Looking at Acolyte's Numbers

When Chris Chan and Cyraxx did it better and you paid $180 million for it, someone needs to get fired with the quickness. Just sayin...

Since when did Star Wars go full Bullshido?

Israel's Twitter Account Goes Full Genocide Claiming There Are No Innocent Civilains in Gaza


This genocidal psychosis prompted many responses. Here is one: