Sunday, June 23, 2024

White House fears Netanyahu visit – Politico

(What do you mean you can't trust an Israeli?)

from RT

The White House is reportedly becoming increasingly concerned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could use his upcoming speech in the US Congress to publicly criticize President Joe Biden and his administration’s response to Israel’s war in Gaza. 

Netanyahu is set to address a joint session of Congress next month, and “no one knows what he’s going to say,” an unnamed US official told Politico on Saturday. 

Earlier this week, the Israeli leader posted a video accusing Washington of “withholding weapons and ammunition to Israel” for several months, calling it “inconceivable.” Netanyahu defended his public criticism as “absolutely necessary after months of quiet conversation that did not solve the problem,” in an interview published on Friday.

The claim “was not helpful at all,” and Netanyahu “could make it far worse up there in front of Congress,” another senior official reportedly told the outlet. Politico added that the speech could create a “diplomatically complicated and politically dicey spectacle for a president running for reelection.”...

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