Sunday, June 30, 2024

‘I’ll rape your mother’: Israeli cop tells protester amid violent clashes

(Imagine that. An Israeli cop threatening to use rape as a weapon against someone. Almost like he learned that shit while doing his time in the IDF. Oh that's right he probably did)

from PressTV

Israeli police have attacked anti-regime protests in Tel Aviv and al-Quds as demonstrators demanded new elections and a prisoner exchange deal with the Palestinian resistance group Hamas.

Thousands gathered in Tel Aviv and al-Quds for weekly anti-regime protests on Saturday, raging against the regime of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and demanding new elections and a deal to release the captives in Gaza.

In al-Quds, police arrested four protesters using excessive force, according to witnesses.

At Paris Square, outside Netanyahu’s official residence, a police officer cursed and threatened a protester he detained, telling him “I’ll rape your mother”.

Also, video footage showed a protester being forcefully arrested by a group of police, one of whom pinned him to the hood of a car and grabbed his neck, as surrounding protesters shouted not to choke him...

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