Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Genesis of Wikileaks. Tales from the Dark Side

by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Aunt BB and I will have the pleasure of joining a Twitter Spaces talk this afternoon at 5:15pm or so set up and run by @HotepGoldstein and @HotepJesus. HJ has me blocked so I don't know how that works. For the record I am pretty sure Beebs and I will be the only ones there who aren't huge fans of Julian the Fed so it will probably be a hoot. Anyway, I thank them for the invite. You should stop by and have a listen. Their show starts at 4:15pm eastern. See you there.

UPDATE: NYT picks today to debut their NEW POLL TRACKER. heeheehee


Abu Ghraib. That's why.

We were walking on the Dark Side according to Dick Cheney. Had to do bad stuff for right reasons said Obama later.

Then Abu Ghraib got leaked and folks saw what they were talking about so.. had to do something. What could they do?

Oh I know.. set up a trendy, fashionable leak site where everyone would go with their stuff, a honey pot lets say, and they could squash the leaks before being published.

That's a plan.

In January 2007, John Young was dropped from the WikiLeaks network after questioning plans for a multimillion-dollar fundraising goal.[65] He accused the organisation of being a CIA conduit and published 150 pages of WikiLeaks emails.[59][66][67]

Young of Cryptom, real leak website, never helped Assange and his Hong Kong based regime change assets set up Wikileaks. Assange just told folks that for clout.

In the early days they said they wanted to focus on bringing down authoritarian regimes... like China. Specifically China.  John Bolton couldn't have said it better.

But that wasn't Wikileaks genesis. Abu Ghraib was.


When the U.S. military first acknowledged the abuse in early 2004, much of the United States media showed little initial interest. On January 16, 2004, United States Central Command informed the media that an official investigation had begun involving abuse and humiliation of Iraqi detainees by a group of U.S. soldiers...

In late April 2004, the U.S. television news-magazine 60 Minutes II, a franchise of CBS, broadcast a story on the abuse. The story included photographs depicting the abuse of prisoners.[75] The news segment was delayed by two weeks at the request of the Department of Defense and Richard Myers, an air force general and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. After learning that The New Yorker magazine planned to publish an article and photographs on the topic in its next issue, CBS proceeded to broadcast its report on April 28...

In February 2006, previously unreleased photos and videos were broadcast by SBS, an Australian television network, on its Dateline program. The Bush administration attempted to prevent release of the images in the U.S., arguing that their publication could provoke antagonism. These newly released photographs depicted prisoners crawling on the floor naked, being forced to perform sexual acts, and being covered in feces. Some images also showed prisoners killed by the soldiers, some shot in the head and some with slit throats. BBC World News stated that one of the prisoners, who was reportedly mentally unstable, was considered by prison guards as a "pet" for torture.[78] The UN expressed hope that the pictures would be investigated immediately, but the Pentagon stated that the images "have been previously investigated as part of the Abu Ghraib investigation."
The previous releases of information on Abu Ghraib were damaging but they were carefully controlled. What the SBS released was transformative. It almost derailed our entire Global War OF Terror.

That was Feb. of 2006 in Australia. Then...

The wikileaks.org domain name was registered on 4 October 2006.[46] The website was established and published its first document in December 2006... WikiLeaks was established in Australia with the help of Daniel Mathews

Wikileaks was being promoted as the hot new leak site in the wake of Abu Ghraib by MSM outlets that supported the GWoT and the bombing of Iraq from the beginning. Hell, they even promoted it BEFORE they published their first leak.

Even the guy who wrote about how to stamp out 'conspiracy theorists' got in on the act in early 2007.

Cass R. Sunstein of the University of Chicago has written A Brave New Wikiworld, published in today’s Washington Post. The article takes a very well balanced, forward-thinking look at the growth of wiki and aggregation of dispersed knowledge, from Wikipedia as cultural icon to specific wiki projects like the Wikileaks.org, the Autism Wiki, and wiki uses by NASA and the CIA. source
We had a problem. America didn't like seeing the horrible shit we were doing while Rebuilding America's Defenses... so... we needed a solution.

And Wikileaks was born.

Assange was a criminal. They hooked him up with a hacker squad out of Hong Kong (where did they interview that OTHER CIA asset Edward Snowden? Oh yeah) who worked for CIA trying to destabilize China (look up his original partners)

John Young was absolutely right when he said they were a CIA asset. A honeypot. He later tried to walk those statements back and even came on my website way back when and tried to tell me he hadn't said them. But I knew better and eventually, he flipped again and admitted what we should all be aware of by now.

Especially now that Julian got a nice sweetheart deal from the feds.

Wikileaks was, is and will always be an intelligence agency operation.

Which makes St. Julian... a fed.

Deal with it.

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