Sunday, June 23, 2024

US Supported Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion Since 2023 Despite Ban - Report

(Yeah, we fund and train Nazis in Israel to run the Salvador Option on the people of Gaza, so why not fund and train real Nazis in Ukraine? apparently it's legal now.)

from Sputnik News


 The Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion* received US assistance in 2023 despite official bans from Washington, the Intercept reports.

"A photo, posted by the [Azov] unit itself (...) seems to suggest that the US was providing support as far back as December of last year," the article has stated.
The photo in question was published on social media and included an Azov commander with a certificate dated December 2023 for military training under US Special Operations Command in Europe. Beside him is a person in American military attire with a concealed face. Another image shows individuals in military gear holding a US flag next to people with an Azov emblem flag.
These photos question the enforcement of the ban. Former US officials also expressed doubts about the State Department's decision, given the complex reorganization and official status of the unit. The State Department should have better explained its decisions, the publication noted.
Last week, The Washington Post reported that the US lifted an arms embargo on Azov. According to the media, this unit "passed Leahy vetting," which prohibits military aid to foreign units involved in severe human rights abuses. The State Department said it found "no evidence" of such violations. The State Department declined to clarify when the ban was lifted or if Azov militants received US weapons...

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