Sunday, June 23, 2024

At least four killed in Israeli air strike on UNRWA aid centre in Gaza

from al Jazeera

At least four people have been killed in an Israeli air attack near an aid centre that was the main headquarters of the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in the Gaza Strip.

The air strike on Sunday hit the main gate of the organisation’s compound in Gaza City in the north of the enclave, injuring multiple Palestinians. The facility is used to distribute the little humanitarian aid that gets into Gaza.

Hundreds of people displaced by the Israeli military’s ground invasion of Gaza were sheltering inside the facility at the time of the incident.

A Palestinian woman at the scene told Al Jazeera that she saw many dead bodies and that two of her children were injured in the attack.

What did these innocent children do wrong? They are running from death towards death. Young men and women are slaughtered by the Israelis,” she said...

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