Sunday, June 30, 2024

In Tehran, Gaza rekindles the revolution

from Mondoweiss

One late January evening in Tehran, I watch Baba Saeed, my 87-year-old grandfather, listen to Israeli TV in the darkly lit living room that also serves as his library. As he hunches in his velvet armchair, the light absorbs him and turns his glossy white hair and his face a bluish-green. I sit beside him on the carpet. Above us on wooden shelves, Japanese dolls with long kimonos from my childhood stand with dusty cheeks. Here, probably Baba Saeed’s last house, objects mourn their own ruined decadence. 

On the screen, a man Baba Saeed’s age, Menashe Amir, broadcasts from Jerusalem in a deeply ominous, raspy voice, predicting Israel’s victory over the Iranian “political establishment.” I’ve heard Amir say this for 30 years, but in the past 4 months with Israel’s onslaught against Gaza violating every conceivable moral and legal convention, Amir’s pronouncements have gotten menacing about Iran, too. He argues that just as it is necessary to take out the Palestinian resistance at any cost, in Iran, “civilians would have to be killed” for the “Iranian regime to be toppled.” ...

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