Thursday, June 27, 2024

FDA Fired Own Experts Who Wanted to Study Risks to Kids Before Approving and Mandating mRNA Jabs

by Scott Creighton

This is from a hearing that took place yesterday. 

'Congressman Massie just revealed that 3 of the top FDA vaccine experts were fired after requesting more time to study side effects of the Covid-19 shots in children and young adults, so that the Biden Admin could to push the shots through faster & mandate them.' TexasLindsay

Not only were they tasked with the fast-tracked approval of the experimental mRNA Covid-19 jabs with a consideration for them being immediately mandated for the public and specifically for kids in schools at that time, but when they were finding out these things had some serious side effects and a couple leading FDA experts wanted more time to study the shots, they got fired and replaced by people who were told to hurry the fuck up and get the jabs in kids' arms.

We knew these kinds of things were going on back then but it's nice to hear it made public for the congressional record.

This whole thing was a military operation carried out against the people of this country. So of course congress back then and other public agencies were going to be strong-armed into compliance.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, both under paid section, but the previous vid on this, the actual japanese study, was out on the site just days ago.
    So again ZERO mention in msm anywhere of course on the study, and now expunged gone down Alice's rabbit hole.!

    mRNA TURBO CANCER Coverup - Dutch biologist Maarten Fornerod discusses Japanese Turbo Cancer study on Dutch TV - within 2 months, study is CENSORED & RETRACTED on June 26, 2024!
